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YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search Premium

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search Premium 2.7.1 NULLED


The ultimate search plugin for WooCommerce: help your customers quickly search, find, and buy products from your shop​

Usability research has proven this for years: 85% of users who access an e-commerce store use the search form first thing. Everyone’s personal experience certainly confirms this: how many times have you visited Amazon or AliExpress and checked products randomly? And how many times, on the other hand, have you directly used the search bar to filter products and quickly find what you’re really interested in?

If you sell online, offering your customers an easy-to-use search tool is essential. With YITH WooCommerce AJAX Search Premium NULLED you can set up a modern and usable WooCommerce search form in minutes, that is designed to deliver effective results consistently, search after search.

The 2.0 version is powerful, versatile, and equipped with all the advanced features necessary to offer you a true marketing tool for your e-commerce, capable of converting users into customers and searches into actual sales.

In fact, you’ll be able to customize the style of the form and search results, set a priority value for each of the search parameters for more targeted results, set synonyms, set a tolerance threshold to cover misspellings, and much more.

Want the ultimate search form for your WooCommerce-based shop? Your search is finally over – pun intended – this plugin has exactly what you need.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
  • Version 2.7.1 NULLED
  • Downloads 48
  • Views 377
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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