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YITH Custom Thank You Page for WooCommerce Premium

YITH Custom Thank You Page for WooCommerce Premium 3.7.0 NULLED


Customize the Thank you page viewed by customers after placing an order in your shop: insert texts, upsell products, coupons, and much more.

The definitive solution to customize the WooCommerce Thank You page​

Thanking customers for the order placed in your store is a fundamental step if you aim to offer a positive buying experience and loyalize customers.

Showing gratitude towards users who trust your brand and products is very important, and doing it in the right way can turn into an efficient upsell strategy or a way to encourage the customer to place a new order soon.

The default Thank you page of WooCommerce is pretty basic and not very captivating as it only shows a predefined message and the order details. With YITH Custom Thank You Page for WooCommerce NULLED, you can create your custom Thank you pages and include any type of content: a picture or an original photo, the Customer Care contact info, an emotional text, a selection of items to offer as upsell products, a 15% coupon to use with the next order…All these elements can catch your customers’ attention and make them feel at home; this will make a difference and will encourage them to purchase again in your store.
  • Version 3.7.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 98
  • Views 627
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
  • Last Update

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