Version 9.4.7 / January 23, 2025
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v9.6.0.
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor v3.27.0.
ADDED: Pre-built Elementor demo "Perfume".
ADDED: Fatal error prevention on product creation with the Dokan plugin.
ADDED: "rel" option for the XStore Elementor Follow widget.
ADDED: Option to use the product attribute name as titles.
ADDED: Auto-select filtered attributes option.
ADDED: "Advanced" request type for XStore Product Status filter.
FIXED: Fatal errors on the XStore Waitlist backend page.
FIXED: Sliders option per group not functioning correctly.
FIXED: Customizer dark mode widget colors.
FIXED: Account header Elementor builder redirection issues.
FIXED: Styling for the single product variations clear button.
FIXED: Dynamic pages in XStore Wishlist/Compare/Waitlist based on the "My Account" page built with Elementor widget.
FIXED: Paragraph styling in Elementor text editor widgets.
FIXED: Waitlist popup duplications triggered by Quick View popups.
FIXED: Fatal error with WooCommerce updates.
FIXED: Fatal error on Elementor Shop Archive editor in specific cases.
FIXED: Elementor price filter AJAX result loading.
FIXED: Special view (image, title, price) for single product variations.
FIXED: PHP error: "callbacks.php on line 3179".
FIXED: Alignment options in the Customizer's Single Product Builder.
FIXED: Synchronization of product status filter with brand and swatch filters.
FIXED: Extra Swiper sliders enqueue issues.
FIXED: Conflict with Elementor's "Optimized Assets Loading" option.
FIXED: Theme import and plugin installation issues.
FIXED: Import of Industrial Power Tools demo data.
FIXED: Issues with get_product_cat_filter_ids in the product status filter.
FIXED: Precount issue for price filters when the product price is not set.
FIXED: Strict range handling in price filters with product status filters.
FIXED: WordPress E_Error type: missing format specifier on line 109.
FIXED: Issues removing applied filters.
FIXED: Price filter issues on search result pages.
FIXED: Newsletter popup "Close forever" option.
FIXED: Price filter disappearance bug.
FIXED: Search URI for WooCommerce products.
UPDATED: Dashboard texts for XStore Brands.
DEV: added "et_swatch_filter_check_empty_tax" filter for swatches filters.
DEV: added "et_only_product_search" filter.