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XenForo Resource Manager (XFRM)

Xenforo XenForo Resource Manager (XFRM) 2.3.4

Some of the changes in XFRM 2.3.3 include:
The following public templates have had changes:
  • xfrm_category_add_resource
  • xfrm_resource_review_macros
  • xfrm_resource_update_macros
  • xfrm_resource_view
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XenForo Resource Manager 2.3.2 Released​

Some of the changes in XFRM 2.3.2 include:
The following public templates have had changes:
  • trending_content_item_resource
  • xfrm.less
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.

What's new in XenForo Resource Manager 2.3?​

There is nothing entirely brand new to show you today in XenForo Resource Manager 2.3 but throughout the development of XenForo 2.3 we have introduced the split-score review graph along with a slew of changes by virtue of the general framework improvements in XenForo 2.3. Let's have a look at them.

Split-score review graph​

We've had this live here since Beta 1 but in case you don't venture over to Resources very often, this is what it looks like:

This gives us an at-a-glance view of the distribution of ratings for each resource. On resource lists, hovering over the rating stars will display the full split graph in a tooltip.

Featured resources changes​

Featuring content in XenForo initially got its debut in XenForo Resource Manager many years ago! With the inclusion of featured content as a generic feature in the core software we have of course now replaced the legacy implementation of featured resources over to the featured content system in XenForo 2.3 and benefits from the updated feature set there.

Image optimization​

Along with the image optimization features in XenForo 2.3, resource icons are also optimized at the point of upload. You can also rebuild the existing resource icons to convert them to WebP either through the admin control panel or through the xf-rebuild:xfrm-icon-optimization command.

Auto-complete search​

The aforementioned search suggestions/auto complete feature which is new in Enhanced Search 2.3 also supports resource items. Here's a specific example which shows resources mixed with thread results, though you can of course, where supported, use the search menu to filter on specific content types and the search suggestions will be constrained to that.


We have added resource manager events for various resource content types which trigger outgoing webhooks!
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