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X-Shipping Pro

OpenCart X-Shipping Pro 4.1.3

X-Shipping Pro.jpg

X-Shipping Pro is an Advanced shipping module. If you are looking for a custom shipping solution that requires easy to advanced complex calculations, this is the perfect module for you.

With this module, you can even show sub-options as dropdowns. The dropdown can be multi-level. The sub-options also can have prices if you wish to have one. The sub-options come in handy when it comes to showing a list of `PickUp Point` Or `Store List` etc.

Here are the brief list of shipping type you can do with it:
1. Category-based Shipping.
2. Product-based Shipping
3. Product Option based shipping
3. Store-based Shipping
4. Geo Zone Based Shipping
4. City and Country Based Shipping
5. Manufacturer Based Shipping
6. Customer Group Based Shipping
7. Zip/Postal Based Shipping (Comma Separated, Wildcards Support, Range Support)
8. Distance-based shipping (Google Map API Key required)
9. Coupon Based Shipping
10. Quantity Based Shipping
11. Weight Based Shipping
12. Volume-based Shipping
12. Sub-total based Shipping
13. Total Based Shipping
14. Shipping Container/Packaging-based shipping.
15. Volumetric Weight based shipping
16. Dimensional Weight based shipping
18. Time-Based Shipping
19. Week Days based Shipping
20. Currency Based Shipping
21. Custom-Field based shipping
22. Product Location-based shipping
23. Product Attribute-based shipping
24. City-based shipping * (check the warning below)
25. Payment method based shipping * (check the warning below)
26. and many more...
  • Version 4.1.3
  • Downloads 53
  • Views 630
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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