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Free Shipping by Zone, Carrier, Price and Weight

PrestaShop Free Shipping by Zone, Carrier, Price and Weight 1.4.6

Línea Gráfica

Set free shipping for different geographical zones and carriers based on order price and order weight.

Important: The module doesn't allow you to configure shipping costs, you can only configure free shipping

Set free shipping easily
Our module allows you to set free shipping according to 6 conditions that you can choose to combine or not:
  • The geographic zone
  • The carrier
  • The minimum order price
  • The maximum order price
  • The minimum order weight
  • The maximum order weight
Note: If customers use a discount code, free shipping will be based on the order total with the discount included

How does it work?
The module display a table that contains all the geographic zones and carriers that you have set in your PrestaShop store and you just need to set the minimum price and/or minimum weight and/or for maximum price and/or maximum weight for each zone and carrier (see screenshots).
  • Free shipping is disabled for the zones and carriers that have 0 set for the 4 values (0.00 | 0.000 | 0.00 | 0.000)
  • To set free shipping, you need to configure at least one value for the zone and carrier (not necessary to configure the 4 values)
  • Ex: if you set "Minimum price : 50.00" and "Maximum price : 0.00", shipping will be free from 50 to infinity.
  • Ex: if you set "Minimum price : 0.00" and "Maximum price : 300.00", shipping will be free from 0 to 300.
About zones
Our module allows you to set a free shipping rule for the zones defined on your shop (menu "Localization" -> "Zones"). You can easily create the zones of your choice in the "Zones" tab and create all the states/counties you need from the "States" tab and then associate each one of them to one of these zones.
You can set free shipping by:
  • zones/continents
  • states/counties (if you change their zone association)
  • countries (if you change their zone association)
Note: It's not possible to configure free shipping by city or zip code.

Additional configuration
  • Default zone and carrier:When users are not logged in, the module uses the default country and default carrier set in your PrestaShop to calculate free shipping (you can change them in your shop configuration)
  • Tax included or excluded: You can base the price from and up to which shipping is free on the total cart price with or without TAX included (you can configure it in the module interface)
  • Messages in shopping cart: The module automatically adds messages in the shopping cart to inform users how much money or how many weight to need to add or remove to get free shipping (you can disable them from the module interface).
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