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WPSyncSheets For WooCommerce – WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Plugin

WPSyncSheets For WooCommerce – WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Plugin 9.2.0 NULLED

Version 9.1.1 (9 July 2024)
  1. Add dependency with lite version
  2. Add filter for sync products with product category wise sheet
  3. Add Order compatibility with WooCommerce Orders Tracking Premium Plugin
  4. Add Order compatibility with Tour & Travel Booking Manager PRO by MagePeople Team
  5. Optimize the Code
  • Like
Reactions: abuji
Version 7.6 (7 January 2023)
- Product compatibility with WooCommerce Cost of Goods by SkyVerge plugin
- Product compatibility with WooCommerce Brands by WooCommerce plugin
- Optimize Code for Bulk Order Status change via admin
- License key read only issue resolved
- Resolved Cron issues settings
- Optimize the Code
Version 7.5 (31 October 2022)
- Order compatibility with Flexible Product Fields and Flexible Product Fields Pro by WP Desk plugin
- Products click to sync with WPML custom language
- Sync and Import Attributes in Product settings
- 'Order Id with Link' header added to Order settings