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WP Social Ninja Pro - The Best Social Media Plugin

WP Social Ninja Pro - The Best Social Media Plugin 3.16.0 NULLED

3.16.0 ( Date: 18 February, 2025 )
- Added support for exporting and importing: Testimonials, Feed and reviews templates, Notification popups & Chat widgets.
- Added a full platform data deletion option to enhance user control and ensure compliance with data privacy standards.
- Now supports displaying Facebook timeline feeds as a Facebook photo feed.
- Improved WhatsApp pre-filled message functionality for smoother user interaction.
- Added image optimization support for the reviews slider.
- Resolved reviewer image inconsistencies in testimonials and custom reviews.
- Fixed CSS conflicts with Elementor Pro’s Swiper component.
- Resolved issues with fetching reviews from Booking.com.
- Fixed missing Facebook business details display issues.
- Remove unnecessary string from reviewer image url
- Fixed Booking.com reviews fetch issues.
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Reactions: edgars221289
3.15.0 ( Date: 04 December, 2024 )
- Action Required: If you have a personal account connection, please reconnect your account before December 2024 after updating to version 3.15.0 or higher. [Learn more](# "Learn more")
– Added Optimize Images settings option in Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Optimize Reviews Image Settings. This feature automatically stores local copies of Reviews images on your server.
– Added Optimize Images settings option in Settings -> Feed Platforms -> YouTube Settings. This feature automatically stores local copies of YouTube feed images on your server.
– Added YouTube Feed GDPR compliant settings option in Settings -> Advanced Settings.
– Added Optimize Images reset option in Settings -> Feed Platforms -> YouTube Settings.
– Added Optimize Image resolution settings option in Template Editor -> Feed/Settings -> Images Resolution.
- Added an option to configure pre-filled messages for WhatsApp.
- Added an address field option for schema snippets.
- Added the ability to reorder chat widget channels.
- Improved support for collecting language-specific reviews from Tripadvisor and Booking reviews.
- Fixed an issue with Instagram feed accessibility.
- Fixed an issue with Fluent Forms business info display.
- Fixed a TikTok feed filter issue on mobile devices.
- Fixed TikTok popup responsiveness issues.
- Fixed responsive styling for reviews header ratings.
- Fixed the disappearing date styling option for review platforms.
- Fixed empty business info appearing in Google Reviews configuration.
- Fixed a dependency issue with the widget for the wp-block-editor.
3.14.2 ( Date: 07 October, 2024 )
- Fixed instagram feed multiple hashtag issue
- Fixed Facebook Feed album photos popup issue
- Fixed Facebook album feed popup slider changes issue
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Reactions: edgars221289
3.14.0 ( Date: 18 September, 2024 )
- Introducing Tripadvisor reviews API
- Fixed the issue with Instagram popup images overlapping, which will ensure images and text display correctly without any glitches.
- Added a field for Facebook feed followers count (in addition to likes count) and fixed the issue with undefined media URLs.
- Fixed Airbnb business info issue, which will show details in the header including ratings & number of reviews.
- Fixed the spacing issue in the Instagram feed carousels so images are now properly aligned.
- Fixed fallback average rating and total rating issue of schema snippet for reviews template.
- Fixed review content read more and less excerpt issue.
- Fixed the Facebook album layout issue so users won’t see any stretched images.
- Fixed and improved the feed slider so images no longer flash.
3.13.0 ( Date: 11 March, 2024 )
- Added chat widget multi-language support option
- Fixed TripAdvisor reviews fetching issue
- Fixed Airbnb reviews fetching issue
- Fixed Facebook feed popup issue
- Improved sync filter responsiveness based on device
- Resolved conflict with notification popup hide button
3.12.1 ( Date: 11 December, 2023 )
- Hiding the Fluent Form submit button in the Chat Widget when using Fluent Forms as the Channel
- Added chat widget channel labels in chat box template
- Fixed chat widget fluent form overlap issue
- Added a language select option to the chat widget for Multi-language support
3.12.0 ( Date: 27 November, 2023 )
- Integrated WP Social Ninja with WooCommerce, enabling users to select a template from WC product settings to display reviews in the WooCommerce reviews tab.
- Added a brand-new template for Facebook feed.
- Added support for carousel images, comments, and reactions within the Facebook feed popup box.
- Add gallery image support for Facebook feed.
- Introduced a filter option (Display posts with) for Facebook feed.
- Introduced slider gap option.
- Fixed issues related to WooCommerce reviewer avatar and business info display.
- Improved Shoppable Instagram Feed user experience (UX).
- Enhanced feeds popup arrows for better navigation and responsiveness.
- Addressed Google My Business (GMB) locations limit issue.
- Resolved Facebook pages limit issue.
- Add reviews badge template link open in new tab option
- Resolved Booking.com reviews issue.
- Fixed template custom CSS load issue in the header.
- Fixed trustpilot external link empty issue
- Fixed Instagram hashtag limit issue
- Fixed reviews business info image broken url issue
- Fixed Fluent Forms deprecated issue
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Reactions: edgars221289
3.11.0 ( Date: 26 September, 2023 )
- Added WooCommerce Reviews
- Introduced Managers settings options, allowing the addition of other managers with specific permissions.
- Improve code structure in the Pro version for better performance
- Added support for the Bulgarian date format in Booking.com integration.
- Added an error message for import reviews
- Fixed a style configuration issue on duplicate templates.
- Fixed the Instagram popup image carousel rendering issue.
- Fixed the SEO issue related to the "a" tag in reviews and notification templates.
- Resolved the custom reviews issue with the count of reviews.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
3.10.0 ( Date: 26 July, 2023 )
- Added Optimize Images settings option in Settings -> Feed Platforms -> Instagram Settings. This feature automatically stores local copies of Instagram feed images on your server.
- Added Instagram Feed GDPR compliant settings option in Settings -> Advanced Settings.
- Added Optimize Images reset option in Settings -> Feed Platforms -> Instagram Settings.
- Added Optimize Image resolution settings option in Template Editor -> Post -> Images Resolution.
- Added a warning notice in the wp social ninja admin area to alert you about critical issues with your Instagram Feed.
- Added Email notification alerts for critical Instagram Feed issues. You will receive an email notification if there's an unresolved issue with an Instagram feed on your website.
- Added date range filters for Facebook feeds to fetch specific posts based on dates.
- Added custom icon upload option in the chat widget.
- Updated the swiper slider version to address conflicts with the Avada theme, ensuring smoother compatibility.
- Improved rendering of element styles based on element enable/disable.
- Fixed issue with editing button text in the shoppable Instagram Feed.
- Fixed an issue with fetching the number of videos in the YouTube Feed.
- Fixed Notification popup custom && fluent forms platform logo display issue.
- Fixed multiple Google My Business (GMB) accounts auto sync issue.
- Fixed issue with fetching reviews from booking.com business URLs with incorrect country codes.
- Fixed issue with fetching reviews from Amazon business URLs with incorrect country codes.
- Fixed the extra slash issue in the rest route for WPML plugin.
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Reactions: edgars221289