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WP Smush Pro

WP Smush Pro 3.16.11 NULLED

= 3.13.2 ( 2023-07-05 ) =
- Improvement: Small code and text improvements
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.13.0 ( 2023-05-30 )
- New: Scan for detecting changes in the media library
- Improvement: Performance improvements on large sites
- Improvement: Code refactoring
- Fix: PHP warnings and notices
- Fix: Missing comments for translation strings that have placeholders in them
- Fix: Compatibility issues with WP Offload Media
- Fix: Timeout on Smush pages when there are more than 200k images
- Fix: Images incorrectly marked as requiring resmush
- Fix: Ignore link stuck in Grid Layout mode in the media library
= 3.12.6 ( 2023-09-22 ) =
- Enhance: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2.
- Fix: Upgrade modal reappears after closing
  • Like
Reactions: eldiesel
= 3.12.5 ( 2023-01-18 ) =
- Fix: CDN notice issue
- Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility warnings
- Fix: Smush acting as free on staging
  • Like
Reactions: anton.petrov1
= 3.12.4 ( 2022-11-17 ) =
- Improvement: Code and compatibility improvements
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Reactions: alco
= 3.12.2 ( 2022-10-19 )
- Improvement: Security hardening
- Fix: Issues on older PHP versions
= 3.12.1 ( 2022-10-11 )
- Fix: PHP error on non-English language sites

= 3.12.0 ( 2022-10-11 )
- New: Bulk smush images in the background!
- New: 50 images limit removed for free users
- New: Better GDPR compliance by replacing Google fonts with Bunny fonts
- New: Filter on media library page to view media items with errors
- New: Option to receive an email once bulk smush is complete
- Fix: Some images incorrectly selected for resmush
- Fix: Database error while converting PNG to JPG on WordPress 6.1 Beta
- Fix: Fallback to sequential processing when parallel processing not possible
  • Like
Reactions: Olivia
  • New: Smush all image sizes in parallel for improved performance
  • Improvement: Code improvements
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Reactions: satkeysmedia