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WP Migrate DB Pro

WP Migrate DB Pro 2.7.2 NULLED

2.6.0 - Jan 19, 2023​

  • New: Full-site exports including the database and files are now available to all users
  • New: Exported ZIP archives are now compatible with drag-and-drop importing to Local
  • New: Highlights from recent releases are now communicated through the What’s New tab
  • Improvement: Exports can now be performed without defining the URL or Path
  • Improvement: CLI exports can once again accept paths with slashes so an export can be saved to a directory that is different from where the command is executed
  • Bug fix: Large export file downloads no longer cause errors
  • Bug fix: All profile panels are now available immediately after a license has been added
  • Bug fix: Defining the UPLOADS constant with a location outside of wp-content no longer causes an error when migrating files
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