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WP Guppy Pro - A live chat plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce and BuddyPress

WP Guppy Pro - A live chat plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce and BuddyPress 4.3.2 NULLED

Release 4.3.2 – 25 December 2024​

-- Security Enhancements: Addressed and resolved PHP vulnerabilities to improve system security.
-- UI/UX Improvements: Fixed various style-related issues for enhanced visual consistency and user experience.
-- Authentication Enhancements: Strengthened authentication mechanisms to improve security and streamline user access.

Release 4.3.1 – 01 October 2024​

-- Added a minimum PHP requirement check to prevent fatal errors.
-- Updated the JWT library to the latest version for enhanced security and performance.
-- Made minor tweaks to optimize the overall functionality.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo

Release 4.0 – 10 December 2022​

-- Hide guest chat from the floating window setting has been added

Release 3.7 – 24 August 2022​

-- Buddypress issue has been fixed
-- Styling issues have been fixed
-- Add the "Terms and Conditions Agreement" setting for the mobile app