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WP Fusion PRO

WP Fusion PRO 3.44.18 NULLED

= 3.44.18 - 12/10/2024 =
* Improved - If an invalid attribute is passed to Klaviyo, the request will now be retried without the invalid attribute
* Improved - If a WooCommerce customer created by a registered user checks out with an alternate email address, the order details in the sidebar will now show the link to the customer's contact record and not the user's contact record
* Fixed: PHP classes and objects stored to usermeta will be excluded from sync to fix errors with sanitization via `stripslashes_deep()`
* Fixed: stopped adding notes to Amelia appointments processed by WP Fusion, as it was interfering with the Google meetings feature adding its own note
* Fixed MemberPress syncing the details of the failed transaction after a payment failure, potentially overwriting the user's current transaction / membership level in the CRM
* Fixed Infusionsoft field mapping the Leadsource field to the `source_type` field. Will now sync to Lead Source ID
* Fixed bulk edit of WooCommerce coupons erasing the WP Fusion settings
* Fixed WooCommerce lifetime value and total order count not syncing accurately during an initial checkout
= 3.44.11 - 10/21/2024 =
* Improved [Fluent Forms integration](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/lead-generation/fluent-forms/):
* Added support for conditional logic when applying tags
* Added support for dynamic tag selection fields
* Improved - If a customer opts in to marketing on the WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads checkout, the marketing consent will be synced to the ActiveCampaign Deep Data customer record
* Improved - A background process will only be started on bulk WooCommerce order status changes if the Order Status field (or order status tags) are enabled
* Improved - Added IPv6 debugging information to the activation error message
* Improved - added logging when batch operations are completed
* Improved storage of batch operations queue when running on a specific list of WordPress user IDs or WooCommerce order IDs
* Fixed failed WooCommerce renewal orders having their status synced as "failed" instead of "pending" when automatic retries are enabled
* Fixed the new "Process with WP Fusion" bulk action for WooCommerce orders not working
* Fixed CartFlows orders being marked as "not processed by WP Fusion" if "Run on main order accepted" was enabled, and the order status was transitioned to Processing and then Completed
* Fixed a bug since 3.44.8 where canceling a batch operation would cause it to become orphaned in the options table. Added a cleanup operation to clear out any orphaned batch operations
* Fixed queued batch operations being set to autoload in options (not necessary when we're only working on one operation at a time)
* Fixed WooCommerce Memberships' "Membership Status" field on specific membership plans not syncing when a membership status is changed
* Fixed PHP warning: `Undefined variable $parent_group` in BuddyPress integration
* Fixed fatal error recording the contact ID created from a form submission to an entry in WPForms Lite (WPForms Lite does not support entry meta)
* Developers: Added method `wp_fusion()->crm->get_marketing_consent_from_email()` to allow retrieving the marketing consent status from an email address (with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads)
= 3.44.7 - 9/23/2024 =
* Added support (via code snippet) for [syncing lead source data when updating a contact](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/tutorials/lead-source-tracking/#sync-lead-source-data-for-existing-contacts), instead of just when adding a new contact
* Improved - If a tag linked to an AffiliateWP group is applied to a pending affiliate, the affiliate will now be activated before being added to the group
* Improved - New auto-login sessions will now record the current URL to the logs
* Improved - Added links to CRM-specific setup documentation to the CRM configuration settings section
* Improved - Added note to HighLevel setup about logging in to the HighLevel app before attempting the connection
* Improved - Moved Mautic tracking script from footer to head to fix some console errors when playing mediaelement.js videos
* Improved - Updated the list tags pagination API call with Infusionsoft/Keap to use the new V2 compliant specification
* Developers: Added `wpf_api_{$method_name}` filter to allow [bypassing / overriding API calls in the CRM classes](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/filters/wpf_api_method_name/)
* Fixed `user_meta` shortcode not properly converting dates stores as timestamps
* Fixed the tags array API call with Infusionsoft/Keap not being reindexed before being sent, which would cause "Input could not be converted" errors in cases where invalid tags had been removed from the payload
* Fixed error "array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, bool given" in LearnDash admin course list when no tags were available in the CRM
* Fixed error "undefined function affwp_get_affiliate_statuses()" with AffiliateWP versions below 2.3
= 3.43.19 - 7/22/2024 =
* Added a [MemberDash integration](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/membership/memberdash/)
* Improved - If a `$source` is synced for a Klaviyo subscriber, the same `$source` will be used when opt-ing the subscriber in to marketing
* Fixed "Remove Tags" setting on LearnDash courses and groups not respecting the saved value
* Fixed spaces in tag names not working with If Menu v0.17.0+
* Fixed fatal error adding a member to a WooCommerce Memberships for Teams team on PHP 8.2 when a linked tag was set on the team but no "Apply Tags" were specified
= - 1/25/2024 =
* Improved: The background worker will now `return` instead of `exit` when the queue is empty, to prevent the worker from blocking subsequent cron tasks
* Improved HubSpot error handling
* Improved error logging for composite responses with Salesforce
* Improved Omnisend event tracking (numeric values will no longer be sent as strings)
* Fixed refreshing available Ontraport tags resetting the available tags list since 3.42.8
* Fixed WooCommerce order item refunded tags not being logged when a guest checkout order was refunded
* Fixed auto-applied discounts not working with Easy Digital Downloads 3.0
* Fixed fatal error displaying Select Tag(s) dropdowns after resyncing available tags while WP Fusion was in staging mode
= 3.42.7 - 1/17/2024 =
* Fixed integrations with a missing documentation URL getting disabled when the main settings page was saved, since 3.42.6
* Fixed additional undefined array key warnings in the Gravity Forms integration when editing a form feed
* Developers: extended the ActiveCampaign API timeout to 20 seconds for loading, applying and removing tags
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 3.41.45 - 11/20/2023 =
* Added a [SureMembers integration](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/membership/suremembers/)
* Added support for [Event Tracking with FluentCRM](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/event-tracking/fluentcrm-event-tracking/) (REST API and same site)
* Added support for [webhooks in Mailchimp journeys](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/webhooks/mailchimp-webhooks/#webhooks-in-journeys)
* Added support for syncing multi-part fields (like Name and Address) with Formidable Forms
* Added support for the Gravity Perks Product Configurator addon
* Improved - Give donation forms will now default to being enabled for sync, unless the form is specifically set to Disabled
* Improved - When creating a Salesforce contact, lead, or other object, any missing required fields will be set to `-` to prevent an API error
* Improved - The inline scripts to handle conditional logic on Gravity Forms form fields will now only be loaded if the form uses [WP Fusion's conditional logic](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/lead-generation/gravity-forms/#form-field-conditional-logic) (thanks @karlemilnikka)
* Fixed custom fields not syncing with WP Event Manager since WPEM Registrations v1.6.18
* Fixed PHP notices in the Simply Schedule Appointments integration
* Fixed import tool not loading more than 1000 contacts with Mailchimp
= 3.41.15 - 6/12/2023 =
* Added a [MemberPress Courses integration](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/membership/memberpress/#memberpress-courses)
* Added a [UsersWP integration](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/membership/userswp/)
* Added support for automatically embedding [the MailerLite tracking script](https://wpfusion.com/documentation/tutorials/site-tracking-scripts/#mailerlite)
* Improved - Added a max-height and scrollbar on the tags list when setting up BuddyBoss member access controls
* Fixed "Lock Lessons" setting not working with LearnDash and BuddyBoss theme in Focus Mode
* Fixed "Exclude Administrators" setting not being respected for the site lockout feature
* Fixed unhandled error refreshing access token with Constant Contact
* Fixed Constant Contact refresh token expiring after two refreshes
* Fixed read-only fields being synced back to Salesforce and causing API errors