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WP Client Reports Pro

WP Client Reports Pro 1.0.16 NULLED

WP Client Reports Pro.png


WP Client Reports Pro allows you to take the basic report and start adding even more value for your clients within seconds of installing it. Brand it for your company and use a number of valuable integrations.

The perfect maintenance report builder plugin for agencies, freelancers and site maintainers who update their client’s sites on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. The plugin tracks what updates have happened and records them daily.

You can use the cleanly designed reporting analytics screen to show the updates that have happened within amounts of time such as last month, this month, last 30 days, or a custom length.

Send a professional looking maintenance report template through email including update statistics whenever you complete updates to show the value of your work to your client or other site stakeholders. No PDF’s here, just a nicely designed email.

Your Branding:​

Brand the report with your logo and color. It’s a huge step professionally and really lets you give that personal touch for the clients you are serving.

Scheduled Report Sending:​

If you want, you can now send the client report automatically on a weekly or monthly schedule. Can be set to any day of the week or month.

Site Maintenance Notes:​

Prove your value to clients by adding helpful notes that describe other actions you may have taken this month to take care of their website. Each note can have an icon, a short description, and a date.


Start adding other useful statistics to the client report. Starting with the basics like page analytics to uptime monitoring, to mailing lists, form plugins, and many more to come. This is just the start!
  • Version 1.0.16 NULLED
  • Downloads 57
  • Views 379
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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