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Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
New: The Video Play Mode (Inline and Popup) option
New: Social Share (Native, Custom) Color option.
Improved: A few HTML (i, em) tags are allowed in the image lightbox caption.
Improved: The item border, border-radius, padding box-shadow, and bg color options were added to Video, Audio, and Mix-content source types as it was in the older version.
Improved: Some backend options dependency improved.
Fix: The Unlisted Vimeo videos don't show in the carousel.
Fix: The Edit button did not work when the caption field contained an apostrophe (') or double quotation marks (").
Fix: The Delete button on the image carousel did not work when clicking it and updating quickly.
Fix: The border-radius doesn't work in the layout slider or content position overlay case.
Fix: The content vertical alignment for overlay content position did not work.
Fix: The loopAddBlankSlides for carouset is set to false.