• The default language of any content posted is English.
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WP Auto Poster - Automate your site to publish, modify, and recycle content automatically

WP Auto Poster - Automate your site to publish, modify, and recycle content automatically 2.3.1 NULLED

= 2.3.1 = Released October 5th, 2024

* Replaced deprecated theme update checker (TUC) with plugin update checker (PUC) v5.4
* Minor code tweaks for license error messages.
* Minor code tweaks for deprecated functions/parameters.
* Verify post_date_gmt is set when recycling posts.
* Added Find and Replace special keywords option to add a prefix or postfix to the post title/content/excerpt.
* Added parameter checks for PHP 8.1+ function changes.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
= 2.2.2 = Released April 6th, 2023
* function_exists check added for hosts that disable getmypid().
* Moved custom meta field search option to it's own section in Post Conditions.
* Added custom meta field option to the Post Actions tab.
* Combined some setting fields for better visibility.
* Try to catch disabled Ruleset events that are stuck in a cache. Caching cron events is bad. Don't do it.
* Fix for Suppress Filters option defaulting to true. Now defaults to false.