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WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin 3.0.0

v3.0.0 =
Added: Message Notification will appear.
Added: Seller and admin can Block any customer.
Added: Seller can Add Chat UI on Specific Page by just adding [wkmp_bsc] shortcode.
Improved: New Admin/ Seller/ Customer Chatting Interface.
Improved: New Seller Profile Edit Section.
Improved: Compatible with PDF and CSV file Uploading.
Improved: Server Start/Stop is now handled with Ajax.
Improved: Server Status is now handled with Ajax by which Page Loading speed is Improved.
Improved: Image uploading now supports (jpeg, jpg, png, web) format.
Fixed: Server Loading Issue.
Fixed: Read/Unread message issue on chat access.
= 2.4.1 (2022-11-11) =
Added: Unread message count on seller and admin dashboard.
Added: Links for settings and docs on plugin listing page.
Added: Chat to selller option on View Collection page.
Added: Setting to allow chat with seller even seller is offline.
Fixed: Issue with starting chat server due to CORS policy.
Fixed: Issue in creating database tables on activation.