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WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin 3.0.0


WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin​

This Item only works with Webkul’s WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace. Hence the Marketplace Plugin is Required, to make use of this Plugin.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin is a chat system which helps Marketplace Seller and the Marketplace Buyer to start the conversation. In this plugin, any buyer can start to chat with any seller.

Buyer can ask queries related to the product that seller is selling or any upcoming products information and seller can also reply to any buyer about their queries. A healthy conversation between a buyer and a seller leads to more sales conversions.

It is user-friendly and customizable, where the administrator can customize the theme of the chat window and user list.

Note : Socket.IO and Node.js server setup support services will be provided with this plugin.

  • Socket.IO based real-time chat management system.The system is based on Socket.IO to provide seamless chat between buyers and sellers with an effective chat management system
  • Buyer can chat with any Seller. Now a buyer can with any seller in the marketplace. He can ask queries related to the product that the seller is selling or any upcoming product information, and the seller can also reply to any buyer about their queries.
  • The seller can change status to online, busy, and away. A seller can also change status to online, busy, and away as per his requirement.
  • Smiley/Emoticon support for an interactive chat between users. This feature enables to use of Smiley/Emoticon while a conversation between a buyer and a seller. With the help of Smiley/Emoticon, buyer or seller can express their views in a very interactive way.
  • Multiple chat support for both Buyer and Seller. This plugin support multiple chats for both buyer and seller. Now a buyer can chat with multiple sellers and a seller can chat with multiple buyers simultaneously.
  • Buyer list for Seller. A list of all the buyers who ever communicate with the seller will be available. He can check the history of chats with the buyers.
  • Buyer and seller both can manage their chat profile and can update them.The buyers and sellers can manage their chat profiles and can update their accounts accordingly.
  • Buyer and seller can view chat message timestamp with the date.The buyers and sellers can see the time and date for any received or send a message from their chat account.
  • Buyers can do instant login from the chat window.The buyers can log in to their chat window directly from the product page of any seller to start a conversation with him.
  • Buyers and sellers can view their chat conversation history.The sellers and buyers can view their chat history from their chat accounts to get an overview of their last conversations.
  • Will work with HTTPS enabled websites.The users can also use the plugin for HTTPS-enabled websites by just adding the server details (Private Key, Certificate Key, Sever CA Bundle File).
  • The admin can view chat history/ conversation between the seller and the customer. The admin can view the chat history/ conversation between the seller and the customer.
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Last update

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Latest updates

  1. WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat 3.0.0

    v3.0.0 = Added: Message Notification will appear. Added: Seller and admin can Block any...
  2. WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin v2.4.1

    = 2.4.1 (2022-11-11) = Added: Unread message count on seller and admin dashboard. Added: Links...

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