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WordPress Automatic Plugin

WordPress Automatic Plugin 3.109.2 NULLED

Version 3.89.0 (27 January 2024)
NEW: New campaign type to import from Google Maps places/business
NEW: YouTube option to truncate the transcript to the desired length
NEW: APIFY now supports cookies for simulating logged-in and importing from protected sites with login
NEW: Updated Deepl-supported languages list
Version 3.77.7 (19 December 2023)
NEW: option to show private post types on the campaign page
Fix: Facebook broken links when the post is shared now sorted
Version 3.77.3 (3 December 2023)
Fix: Load multi-paged content Feeds/multi-scraper caused the campaign to fail, now sorted
Version 3.77.1 (01 December 2023)
Fix: A fatal error caused by the previous version was sorted out
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 3.76.0 (7 November 2023)
NEW: upgraded OpenAI 3.5 turbo model to the latest version gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
NEW: Added new OpenAI model gpt-4-1106-preview
NEW: Integration with Internal Link Juicer plugin for automatic internal links, a new tutorial added to the tutorials section
Fix: Multi-scraper 404 feed error posts are now sorted
Improved: Timeout increased for OpenAI calls to 300 seconds to cope with slow calls
Fix: Amazon import from best sellers pages now back to work
Fix: Amazon product price extraction for Electronics is now back to work
Fix: Auto hyperlink keywords now support non-latin characters
Version 3.75.0 (19 October 2023)
NEW: Feeds/multi-page scraper option to import multi-page posts
NEW: OpenAI option to use a fine-tuned model
NEW: OpenAI option to remove H1 from the generated content
NEW: Feeds/multi-scraper now auto-fix noscript lazyloading images
NEW: Feeds/multi-scraper new tag [source_url_decoded] to return the source URL decoded
NEW: new tag [title_words_as_slug] to return the title words as slug
NEW: Feeds/multi-scraper campaign can now auto-extract tags from source post Schema tags
Improved: OpenAI campaigns now auto-remove unnecessary HTML tags like HTML & body from generated content
Fix: Amazon will not set the _sale_price if the product is not on sale
Fix: Multi-scraper campaign now deletes generated .xml containing found links if found empty
Improved: Campaigns page now does not list all multi-scraper fixed links
Version 3.74.1 (12 September 2023)
NEW: Now you can add multiple OpenAI API keys and the plugin will rotate between them
NEW: Tiktok option to remove @user from the post content
NEW: Tiktok option to remove music used from the post content
NEW: Feeds/Multi-scraper can now extract a speicfic part before or after another text (tutorial added)
NEW: Bulk option to Deactivate and Activate selected campaigns
Fix: Tiktok now remove music from generated title
Fix: Amazon price extraction algorithm updated to cope with new changes
Fix: fix of critical error when loading all campaigns page
Fix: campaigns processing algorithm updated to correct memory limit issue when too many campaigns
Improved: Feeds/Multi-scraper category extraction algorithm improved to detect cats in span inside a tags
Improved: Feeds/Multi-scraper post from specific links now auto fill the first link for visusal selector
Version 3.73.1 (4 August 2023)
Fix: AliExpress is back to work again after changes from the AliExpress side
NEW: tutorial added on how to auto-post recent videos from a Youtube channel
Version 3.72.0 (14 June 2023)
NEW: OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo model upgraded to gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 which is 25% cheaper
NEW: OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo-16k model added for longer size content generation
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Reactions: edgars221289