17-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.3
- FIXED: Quantity in mini cart with Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce plugin.
- FIXED: Add to cart button on product hovers.
- FIXED: Errors in Video player element for WP Bakery page builder.
- FIXED: Breeze plugin compatibility with header builder.
- FIXED: Translation for reviews pros/cons.
- FIXED: Mobile search element in mobile header. (Topic)
- FIXED: Attachment image theme with white label option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Smooth scroll for button element in header builder. (Topic)
15-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.2
- ADDED: Nonce validation for the license form.
- FIXED: Product loop button sizes.
- FIXED: Sticky navigation with sticky header in boxed site width.
- FIXED: Sticky navigation with full-width search in boxed site width.
- FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
- UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_option” for theme settings options.
14-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.1
- IMPORTANT: Security issue fixed. Please, update the theme to secure your website.
13-02-2023 - Update version 7.1.0
- NEW VERSION: Mega Electronics
- NEW FEATURE: Sticky navigation. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Product reviews new fields, filters and sorting. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Single product gallery video. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Product gallery on product loop. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Manage product cart content on checkout page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #14. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom product page #12. (Demo)
- ADDED: Three icons fonts with different font weight (Video)
- ADDED: Pagination in single product main gallery option. (Video)
- ADDED: New product labels style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New stock status style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Background overlay" option to "Main menu", "Menu", "Account" and "Categories" header elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: "Full height" design for navigation dropdowns. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Enable scroll" option to "Full-width" and "Set sizes" dropdown designs. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: "Stretch section with CSS" option for "Row" and "Section" elements in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New product review style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product review "Pros and cons" option. (Video)
- ADDED: Reviews "Form location" option. (Video)
- ADDED: "Reviews columns" option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Review summary statistics panel. (Video)
- ADDED: "Rating by criteria" options. (Video)
- ADDED: Review "Likes" option. (Video)
- ADDED: "Verified owner" badge option. (Video)
- ADDED: Reviews sorting option. (Video)
- ADDED: "Filter reviews by images" option. (Video)
- ADDED: New "Search" element form style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Form shape option for "Search" element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product category selector styles for "Search" element: "Default", "Bordered", "Separated". (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Thumbnails per slide in single product gallery. (Video)
- ADDED: Title options to "Product additional information table" element. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Attribute name and term typography options to "Product additional information table" element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Data source option to "Product additional information table" element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product loop background options in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product loop shadow option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Video)
- ADDED: Product loop color-scheme option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Table" element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Product stock status" element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Open street map" element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Multiple markers" option to Google map element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Countdown timer" option to Promo banner element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Access key for maintenance mode. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Preset by user role. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Product image" option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: "Quantity" option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: "Remove button" option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: "Link to product" option on the checkout page order review table. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Clients wishlist overview page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom CSS for admin dashboard. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Style option “Background” for Header “Main menu” & “Menu” elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: Show\Hide password characters button for login and register forms on “My account” page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Hide top and bottom border" for Accordion element with "Default" style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Extra product options For WooCommerce" plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: "WooCommerce Payments" plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: "PayPal Payments" plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: "Klarna Payments" plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: "Klarna Checkout" plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: New icon designs for the next header builder elements: Account, Wishlist, Compare, Cart, Main menu, Search, Mobile menu. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Sticky navigation" element to the header builder. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: "Background wrap type" option for several icon designs with the background. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New slider pagination style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Slider pagination horizontal alignment option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Typography for default button and accent button. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to change typography and colors for all buttons. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: "Video" element play button size option in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Change product image on attribute click. (Screenshot, Video)
- ADDED: Vertical alignment image option to information box element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to upload an image to button element. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom typography to button element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom color to button element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Hide countdown timer element on finish time. (Video)
- FIXED: Linked Variations on the product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Title typography in "Product Categories" element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Add to cart button on responsive in product hover style "Quick". (Topic)
- FIXED: "Disabled swatch style" with lazy-loading. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product thumbnail border-radius at mobile cart. (Topic)
- FIXED: Advanced typography for Product title at mobile grid. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches styles on iOS devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product visitors counter issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Widgets editor with Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: Send on sales products issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Image hotspot element without product. (Topic)
- FIXED: Stock status product in product grid issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WooCommerce notices in checkout page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show empty product category in size guide editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors with full screen search. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output variation products on wishlist page. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Changed title tag in Recent Posts widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: Autoload for theme settings backup option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Full-width row spacing in the Opera browser. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product gallery with Elementor Pro. (Topic)
- FIXED: Brand image swatches size.
- FIXED: Background "Inherit" option in Woodmart Slider.
- FIXED: Header menus elements with "Display inline" option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sticky header clone fade down animation. (Topic)
- FIXED: Price advanced typography selectors. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches with Firefox browser issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Google map element notice. (Topic)
- FIXED: Blog element issue. (Topic)(Topic)
- FIXED: Swatches variation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WP Rocket excluded pages issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Frequently bought together with WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin calculation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Wave Validator errors. (Topic)
- FIXED: WooCommerce export products issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Portfolio pagination issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Checkout payment with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: HTML dropdown with AJAX issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sanitize URL in slider link.
- FIXED: WooCommerce hooks elements with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Variation out of stock in product grid issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Include product sale price in Frequently bought together total.
- FIXED: Product image size with archive products element. (Topic)
- FIXED: "Screen options" display on theme-related dashboard pages. (Topic)
- FIXED: Menu dropdown design issue. (Topic)
- UPDATED: WooCommerce template.
- UPDATED: Google fonts list.
- DEV: Added filter "woodmart_shipping_progress_bar_amount" for shipping progress bar.
- DEV: Added filter "woodmart_get_numberposts_by_query_autocomplete" for theme settings control with autocomplete.
- DEV: Added filter "woodmart_show_required_in_search_form" for search form element.
- IMPROVED: "Shop" and "Accent" button design groups in the theme settings merged into one "Accent" group.
- IMPROVED: "Map" element renamed to "Google map".
- IMPROVED: Simple dropdown menu position in Header builder right column.
- IMPROVED: Scroll to "Full width button" and "Summary on hover" product loop styles with long short description content. (Screenshot)
- REMOVED: Option "Deprecated CSS classes from v5.x" in theme settings, now the option works through "woodmart_show_deprecated_css_classes" filter.
- REMOVED: Base deprecated styles related to the old (6.1 and lower) dummy content installations. Can be manually enabled via the "Styles always load" option. (Screenshot)
10-11-2022 – Update version 7.0.4
- FIXED: Product swatches issue.
- FIXED: Archive products element issue.
- FIXED: WooCommerce hooks element issue.
- FIXED: Frequently bought together issue.
- FIXED: Output product attributes label.
- FIXED: AJAX shop issue.
- FIXED: Output HTML Block control in WordPress menu settings.
- UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
14-10-2022 – Update version 7.0.3
- FIXED: Checkout payment methods with RTL. (Topic)
- FIXED: Third-party notices in the theme dashboard.
- FIXED: Swatches align with centered product design.
- FIXED: Swatches tooltips with WP Rocket plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Mini cart widget issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Responsive carousel elements with Elementor plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX product filters element issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Free shipping bar in Elementor edit mode.
- UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
07-10-2022 – Update version 7.0.2 NULLED
- FIXED: Enqueue add to cart button style with hover list in product element issue.(Topic)
- FIXED: PHP errors without WooCommerce plugin.
06-10-2022 – Update version 7.0.1 NULLED
- ADDED: New custom checkout page #4. (Demo)
- FIXED: Text/HTML element in Header Builder.
- FIXED: Swatches for single products.
- FIXED: Sticky header in Elementor edit mode. (Topic)
- FIXED: Enqueue Adobe fonts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Linked product swatches. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product attribute hint. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product filter style issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Multiple wishlists issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Off canvas button with WoodMart layouts issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Enqueue JS scripts for shop page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Blog post loop share button for mobile devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP errors notices.
- UPDATE: WooCommerce template. (Topic)
03-10-2022 – Update version 7.0. Read more
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Accessories
- NEW FEATURE: Frequently bought together. (Screenshot, Documentation)
- NEW FEATURE: Theme dashboard new UI. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple wishlists. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Product linked variations. (Screenshot, Documentation)
- NEW FEATURE: Global and elements rounding options. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Show single variation products. (Screenshot, Documentation)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #11. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #12. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #13. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom product page #11. (Demo)
- ADDED: “Status” dashboard page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Changelog” dashboard page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Theme settings backup” dashboard page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Bulk actions for products wishlist. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Notification about change in wishlist products status. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Compare by category. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Show dropdown with category” option to header builder compare element. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swatches styles option. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: Disabled product swatches styles option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swathes shape option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swatches styles & shape options for “WoodMart WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swatches styles & shape options for “Product filters” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New product swatches sizes. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Attribute hint. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Theme settings options hints. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Extra content for product category. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to disable custom layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to manage slides on slider edit page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to manage sliders and slides on slide edit page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: WPML languages for header builder elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “On backorder” filter in stock status widget. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Currency switcher support for free shipping progress bar when active “WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher“ or “WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency” plugins. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Additional custom product tab. (Screenshot)(Topic)
- ADDED: Color options for product labels. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Popup text color option for promo popup. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Inherit current product” option in size guide element. (Screenshot)(Topic)
- ADDED: Additional “White label” options. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Element title” option to “Product countdown” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Lazy loading to product image swatches.
- ADDED: Typography option to “List” element.
- FIXED: “current-menu-item” class for portfolio page. (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Mini cart quantity max value typing issue.
- FIXED: Blog design “Meta image” responsive columns issue.
- FIXED: Products element issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors with tabs on single product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Image category in page title. (Topic)
- FIXED: Import dummy content and lookup regeneration issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show products brand in quick view with active “Show brand on the single product page” option. (Topic)
- FIXED: WoodMart slider with “Distortion” effect. (Topic)
- FIXED: CSS generation with active theme settings presets. (Topic)
- FIXED: Import dummy content issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WoodMart Layouts translate when active “WPML” plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Yoast optimize SEO issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors in shop page.
- FIXED: Quantity input on shopping cart widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX add to cart with “Fancy Product Designer” plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Fixed output related product with active WPML plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Off canvas button in mobile sticky navbar when layout builder is active. (Topic)
- FIXED: Google Lighthouse notices. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX mobile search element for header builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Dokan plugin dashboard mobile menu. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product loop hover image with “.png” format. (Topic)
- FIXED: “MFP-popup” library navigation with third-party plugins. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Full width button” product hover with “Hover content” disabled.
- FIXED: “font-display for Google Fonts” option renamed to “font-display for text fonts”.
- FIXED: “Typekit fonts” options renamed to “Adobe fonts”.
- FIXED: Product title visibility with Elementor “Hide title” option enabled in HTML Block.
- FIXED: “Stock” label styles in compare page table.
- FIXED: Menu labels with RTL.
- FIXED: “More description” button in hotspot element.
- FIXED: Dropdown position in Mega Menu widget element.
- FIXED: Size guide empty style tag.
- FIXED: Include Elementor plugin files.
- FIXED: “Preloader” option with WPBakery builder full-width rows.
- FIXED: Render upsells, when “upsells products position” equal “hide”.
- FIXED: Slides per row option for tablet devices in Elementor Page Builder elements. (Topic)
- FIXED: Shipping calculation in cart page created with WoodMart layout builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Checkbox in “Filter product by attribute” widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Masonry grid“ in products loop. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product reviews. (Topic)
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_show_infobox_svg_by_tag” for info box.
- IMPROVED: plugin “Stripe” styles (Screenshot)(Screenshot)(Screenshot)(Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Product swatches styles and structure.
- IMPROVED: “Theme settings presets” moved to separate page with own interface. (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: “Masonry grid” option moved to “Products grid” section.
- IMPROVED: “Login / Register” options moved into the new “My account” section.
- IMPROVED: “Social authentication” options moved to “API integrations”. (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: “General layout” options moved to “General”. (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Variable products related options merged to own section “Variable products”. (Screenshot)
- UPDATED: Google fonts list.
- DEPRECATED: “Combine CSS files”, “Include minified CSS”, “Light bootstrap grid version”, “Combine JS files”, “Include minified JS”, “Include minified JS”.
- DEPRECATED: CSS files for old Mailchimp form structure.