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WooCommerce Stamps.com Export Suite

WooCommerce Stamps.com Export Suite 2.14.0


Save Time by Exporting Orders to Stamps.com in XML Format​

Time is money – sounds reasonable, right? That’s why automation is a beautiful thing, and what the Stamps.com Exporter will do for you. Automate your order formatting in order to bring your WooCommerce Orders into Stamps.com! This extension allows you to directly import orders into the Stamps.com Desktop Client (not the web-based client) in XML format rather than formatting order information by hand so that you save time and money. Make printing your shipping labels via Stamps.com faster and more efficient!

This extension exports XML files for import in batch mode and requires the Stamps.com Windows desktop client to deliver these awesome time-saving benefits.

Why Use the Stamps.com Exporter?​

  • Spend zero seconds formatting your WooCommerce orders to import into Stamps.com
  • Export individual orders from the Orders or Edit Order page
  • Bulk export multiple orders using bulk order actions
  • Export all orders by order number, order status, or a range of order dates
  • Selectively restrict exported orders by custom order statuses (no failed orders, etc)
  • Optionally include the order XML file as an attachment to the admin new order notification so there’s no need to login to the website to export orders.

Quickly Export Orders​

Individual orders can be exported from the “Orders” admin page by clicking on the Stamps.com icon, or can be exported in bulk using the bulk orders action.
  • Version 2.14.0
  • Downloads 25
  • Views 438
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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