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WooCommerce Split Orders

WooCommerce Split Orders 1.8.0

2025-01-07 - version 1.8.0
* Added - Add metadata for tracking split origins
* Added - Add support for splitting shipping items
* Added - Add meta box to display split order parts
* Added - Add column to order list showing origin order
* Added - Add links to fill split quantities on modal
* Added - Add database version to system status report
* Changed - Upgrade routines to use action scheduler
* Changed - Move settings to Orders tab
* Changed - Extract suggested meta fields from greater number of orders
* Fixed - Fix copying of order attribution source type
* Fixed - Copy stock reduced status to split parts for all order statuses
* Fixed - Hide suggested meta section in settings if empty
* Fixed - Exclude split parts from suggested meta fields on non-HPOS
2024-10-17 - version 1.7.0
* Added - Catch errors occurring during the split and exit gracefully
* Added - Include settings in system status report
* Added - Support order number suffix with Editable Order Numbers
* Added - Copy order attribution meta
* Changed - Delay updating original until new order is created to avoid data loss
* Changed - WC 9.3 compatibility
* Fixed - Fix check for HPOS being enabled
* Fixed - Fix split order button disappearing after recalculating totals
* Fixed - Fix modal sizing