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WooCommerce Smart Coupons

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.21.0

2023.02.24 - version 7.2.1
* Fix: Error: Something went wrong. For details, check 'woocommerce-smart-coupons...' log under WooCommerce > Status > Logs
* Update: POT file
2022.12.28 - version 7.0.0
* Fix: When refunding an order from the refund form provided on the admin side, and in that order store credit is used, double amount is getting restored in that store credit
* Fix: When refunding an order from the refund form provided on the admin side, and in that order store credit is used, refund related meta not getting saved
* Fix: Shortcode 'smart_coupons' generating new coupons each time the page is refreshed
* Fix: 'Exclude user roles' not checking user's role when checking out as guest user
* Fix: Gift products set under 'Actions' (tab) is not getting added to cart after clicking coupon from cart, checkout page
* Fix: 'Original amount' of the store credit is not getting set when the coupon is generated either from 'Bulk generate' (tab), 'Import' (tab) or 'Send store credit' (tab)
* Fix: Uncaught exception 'Error' with message 'Call to a member function get() on null' [YITH WooCommerce Wishlist]
* Tweak: Correction in indentation as per WordPress Standards
* Tweak: Minor spelling correction
* Developer: New filter 'wc_sc_is_email_required_for_sending_coupon' to decide whether email address is required for sending coupon or not
* Update: Translation & language related changes in the template 'acknowledgement-email.php'
* Update: POT file
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Reactions: ufukart
2022.12.16 - version 6.9.0
* Fix: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding
* Fix: When refunding an order that is paid by store credit, receiving PHP Fatal error: There has been a critical error on this website. Uncaught TypeError: gmdate(): Argument #2 ($timestamp) must be of type ?int, string given
* Update: FAQs included in the plugin
* Update: POT file
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Reactions: tatar221
2022.11.04 - version 6.6.0
* New: WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.1 compatible
* New: A new way for applying 1-click coupon via AJAX
* Fix: Coupon not applying in order created via REST API
* Developer: Filter 'wc_sc_apply_coupon_via_ajax' for choosing method of applying coupon via AJAX or via URL (default: via AJAX)
* Update: POT file
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Reactions: tatar221
* Fix: Fatal error stalling subscription renewal in a few cases
* Update: Minor change related to WooCommerce Subscriptions 4.0.0
* Update: Translation for French language (Thanks to: LoГЇc Antignac)
* Update: Spell checks & a few clean up
* Update: POT file
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Reactions: tatar221