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WooCommerce Smart Coupons

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.29.0

2025.02.28 - version 9.29.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.7.0
* New: Modified Smart Coupons email templates to support WooCommerce’s latest email preview feature
* Fix: Save the order discount total, including the Store Credit amount when 'Apply before tax' setting is enabled
* Fix: Auto-apply coupon not checking for an existing user for the email address entered during guest checkout
* Update: Translations
2025.02.25 - version 9.28.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.6.2
* New: Allow product selection when multiple products are set in the "Actions" tab > "Add products to cart" [WooCommerce Classic/Shortcode-based Cart & Checkout page]
* Fix: Removed unnecessary padding by hiding empty coupon containers when no applicable coupons exist [checkout]
* Update: Translations
2025.02.11 - version 9.26.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.6.1
* Fix: Force shipping method selection when a coupon with free shipping and restrictions is applied manually
* Fix: Prevent duplicate queries caused by the Smart Coupons Blocks integration
* Update: Database upgrade notice for better clarity for the fix related to order analytics data
* Update: Translations
2025.01.24 - version 9.25.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.6.0
* Fix: Scheduling coupons 'Later' now uses date and time format set on the website [Shortcode-based Checkout page]
* Fix: Unable to change shipping methods after applying a coupon restricted to a specific shipping method
* Fix: Unable to load shepherd.min.mjs module [Guided Tours]
* Update: UI improvements in the 'Actions' tab related to the note message
* Update: Translations
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Reactions: edgars221289
2025.01.08 - version 9.22.0
* Fix: Corrected net value stats of old orders where store credit made totals zero during the database upgrade
* Fix: Creation of dynamic property WC_Order::$sc_total_credit_used is deprecated
* Fix: Handle coupon validation during order created from YITH POS
* Fix: Correctly store gift purchase amounts in the selected currency with Aelia Currency Switcher
* Fix: Ensure coupon deductions align with the selected currency amount in Aelia Currency Switcher
* Fix: Manual discounts now persist when items are removed from admin-created orders [Admin]
* Update: Translations
2024.12.30 - version 9.21.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.5.1
* New: Added Polylang compatibility for coupon restrictions with a filter 'enable_wc_sc_polylang_compatibility' to toggle integration (disabled by default)
* Fix: Auto generate coupons does not respect the settings for WooCommerce Subscriptions [WC Blocks]
* Fix: Auto-apply coupon not removing for WooCommerce Subscriptions product
* Fix: Auto-apply not working for coupons with attribute restrictions by ensuring accurate filtering of coupons based on product attribute IDs
* Update: Moved options & settings related to WooCommerce Subscriptions to its dedicated class
* Update: Ensure all the data are being written to CSV file at the earliest during coupon data generation
* Update: Translations
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024.12.18 - version 9.20.0
* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.7.1
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.4.3
* New: Added holiday season based themes for storewide notice for coupons
* New: Added more palettes of colors for coupons
* New: Added button to generate more combinations from the palettes of colors for coupons
* Fix: Consider variation parent product as well for validating auto-apply coupons
* Fix: Subject of the emails generated by the plugin are showing HTML codes
* Fix: Added some formatting to the emails generated from the plugin
* Fix: Coupons created via the REST API were not adding in custom table, affecting the display of coupons
* Fix: Coupon applying based on the item, not considering the cheapest product in the cart
* Fix: PHP Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly for features of class 'WC_SC_Privacy' [WordPress 6.7+]
* Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: is_callable_coupon_update_meta, generated while saving a coupon
* Fix: Wrong/incorrect text domain for a few strings
* Update: Converted single-page setting page of the plugin to multiple section-based pages
* Update: Translations
2024.11.27 - version 9.19.1
* Fix: PHP Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
2024.11.11 - version 9.17.0
* New: Coupon expiry reminder feature to notify customers of upcoming expirations via email
* Update: Translations