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WooCommerce Product Search by itthinx

WooCommerce Product Search by itthinx 6.3.1

2025.01.22 - version 6.3.1
* Update - WordPress 6.7 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 9.6 compatible.
* Fix - Fixes an issue that made the notice to require a Database Update appear again when no brand terms are defined.
2025.1.1 - version 6.2.0
* Update - WordPress 6.7 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 9.6 compatible.
* Update - Added the Requires Plugins header, requiring WooCommerce.
* Update - Updated the translation template.
* Update - Updated the included translations.
* Update - Revised wording of some informational messages.
* Update - Limit where the welcome notice is displayed more to minimize exposure on unrelated sections.
* Fix - Avoids Uncaught URIError: malformed URI sequence for certain search queries containing %.
* Fix - Added missing parameter to a method_exists call.
* Fix - Added missing placeholder to log entry.
* Fix - Uniform placeholder enumeration in log entry.
* Fix - Removed duplicate assignment using unset variable.
* Dev - Added missing return statements to widget's form methods.
* Fix - Fixed parameter unset in array.
* Dev - Postponed translation loading to init action to avoid "Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly. ..."
* Dev - Avoid unnecessary warnings on file cache misses when custom error handlers are installed.
* Dev - PHP Compatibility validation html_entity_decode() explicit setting of $flags parameter.
* Dev - PHP Compatibility validation replaced uses of \ValueError (available as of PHP 8) with \Error in line with declared minimum PHP 7.4.
* Dev - Unified acquisition of current URL, validation and avoid PHP warnings in circumstances where HTTP_HOST or REQUEST_URI are not present in $_SERVER (e.g. WP-CLI).
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.UnsafePrintingFunction
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.ReplacementsWrongNumber
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare
* Dev - Security validation WordPress.Security.SafeRedirect.wp_redirect_wp_redirect
* Dev - Security validation audit.php.wp.security.sqli.input-in-sinks
* Dev - Security validation audit.php.wp.security.xss.shortcode-attr
* Dev - Security validation scanner.php.wp.security.csrf.process-bulk-action
2024.09.27 - version 6.0.2
* Update - WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 9.3 compatible.
* Dev - Added handling of JSON format to process the except parameter in the terms REST controller.
* Dev - When the setting to "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" is enabled, filter results now also include products which are available on back order along with those that are in stock.
* Add - Added the woocommerce_product_search_cache_control_marker_threshold filter and support for the WPS_CACHE_MARKER_THRESHOLD constant which allow to determine the value used as marker threshold.
* Add - Added type to term image data provided by the terms REST controller.
  • Like
Reactions: ViktorGugo
2024.09.12 - version 6.0.1
* Update - WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 9.3 compatible.
* Dev - Added the order parameter to the terms REST controller's collection parameters.
* Dev - Revised terms REST controller's product processing to avoid sorting for efficiency.
* Dev - Revised shop REST controller's taxonomy-data parameter handling to support passing the taxonomy as parameter instead of as key only in JSON.
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Reactions: Pshpavlik
2024.08.06 - version 5.7.0
* Update - WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 9.2 compatible.
* Dev - Improved accessibility with added labels.
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated DOMNodeInserted MutationEvent.
* Dev - Revised some instances of output escaping.
* Add - Added the woocommerce_product_search_scheduleworkerlock_path filter.
* Dev - Avoid the welcome notice after uploading a plugin.
* Fix - Fixed fatal errors produced when potentially incomplete term URL information provided.
  • Like
Reactions: Pshpavlik
2024.07.15 - version 5.6.0
* Update - WordPress 6.6 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 9.2 compatible.
* Update - Requires at least WordPress 6.2.
* Add - Added filtering support for the WooCommerce "Product Collection" block. The extension's filter blocks can now be used together with the "Product Catalog" collection of the "Product Collection" block to show results that match the current filters.
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated jQuery function trim().
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated jQuery function isArray().
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated jQuery shorthand keydown().
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated jQuery shorthand focus().
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated jQuery shorthand focusin().
* Dev - Replaced uses of the deprecated jQuery shorthand focusout().
* Update - Updated selectize to v0.15.2.
* Add - Added the woocommerce_product_search_handle_product_collections filter.
* Dev - Using ReactDOMClient.createRoot() if available (as of React 18.0) instead of ReactDOM.createRoot().
  • Like
Reactions: Pshpavlik
2023.11.22 - version 5.0.3
* Update - Disables the render cache by default to avoid issues with inconsistent page content.
2023.08.31 - version 4.16.0
* Update - WordPress 6.3 compatible.
* Update - WooCommerce 8.1 compatible.
* Update - Requires at least WooCommerce 7.8.
* Update - WordPress 6.4-alpha compatible.
* Fix - Fixed a documentation URL with a trailing space.
* Update - Revised a section of the help tab for clarity and to point to blocks, widgets and shortcodes documentation sections.
* Update - Updated the translation template.
* Update - Updated the included translations.
2023.06.19 - version 4.14.0
* Update - WordPress 6.2 compatible.
* Update - WordPress 6.3-alpha compatible (re-tested).
* Update - WooCommerce 7.8 compatible.
* Update - Requires at least WooCommerce 7.4.
* Update - Requires at least PHP 7.2.
* Update - WooCommerce HPOS compatible.
* Fix - Fixed navigation feature check which missed to check if feature is enabled besides its existence.