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WooCommerce Product Add-ons

WooCommerce Product Add-ons 7.6.0

2025.03.03 - version 7.6.0
* New - Added a visibility option to Multiple Choice and Checkboxes add-ons.
* New - Important: Updated the Multiple Choice and Checkboxes templates.
* Fix - Fixed a compatibility issue with PayPal and the cart/checkout block that removed add-on prices in cancelled orders.
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Reactions: zilog357
2025.02.11 - version 7.5.0
* New - Added a 'Clear' button to File Upload add-ons.
* Tweak - Important: Removed compatibility with the new Product Editor.
* Tweak - Important: Updated the File Upload template.
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Reactions: zilog357
2025.01.15 - version 7.3.1
* Fix - Fixed an error triggered when clicking on the cart item link of a product with a un-configured custom price add-on.
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Reactions: zilog357
2024.09.30 - version 7.1.1
* New - Important: Data migrations from versions before 3.0 are disabled by default. Introduced 'woocommerce_product_addons_enable_migration_3_0' filter to allow this to be overridden.
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Reactions: zilog357
2024.09.03 - version 7.0.3
* Fix - Resolved warning triggered by global add-ons without ID.
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Reactions: zilog357
2023-01-24 - version 6.6.0
* Important: Tweak - Used JSON encoding for importing/exporting add-ons. Serialized export data created by previous plugin versions will no longer work.
* New - Added compatibility with PHP 8.3
* Fix - Removed WooPayments express checkout buttons from product pages with add-ons due to avoid compatibility issues.
* Fix - Removed Stripe express checkout buttons from product pages with add-ons due to avoid compatibility issues.
* Fix - Removed PayPal smart buttons from product pages with add-ons due to avoid compatibility issues.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that enforced min/max quantity rules even when Limit Quantity was disabled.
* Fix - Resolved PHP warning triggered when editing a product with a deleted add-ons meta.
* Tweak - Improved the handling of the global product object to avoid compatibility issues with other plugins using it.
* Tweak - Defer frontend scripts.
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Reactions: zilog357
2023-10-24 - version 6.5.0
* New - Added onboarding.
* Tweak - Important: Re-designed Product Data > Add-ons and Products > Add-ons tabs.
* Tweak - Important: Updated the process of importing/exporting add-ons to require fewer clicks.
* Tweak - Important: Moved the 'Show incomplete subtotals' setting to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Add-ons.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that made add-ons show up twice when paying for failed subscription orders.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the cart/checkout Blocks.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
2023-09-19 - version 6.4.7
* Tweak - Used admin theme colors in admin.
* Tweak - Displayed WC Admin bar on Global Product add-ons pages.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that accidentally selected image swatches in mobile screens while scrolling.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
2023-06-27 - version 6.4.3
* Tweak - Important: Updated the 'addon-start' template and added the tax status data attribute.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that made tax suffixes show up in non-taxable products with add-ons.
* Fix - Fixed a PHP warning triggered by a duplication of the 'apply_filters_deprecated' call.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that prevented some of the selected checkbox from being added to the cart when ordering again.
* Fix - Resolved an issue that threw a validation error when renewing a subscription with required add-ons.