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WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees

WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees 5.1.4

2025.02.28 - version 5.1.4
* tweak: WooPayments compatibility - replaced $gateway->title with $gateway->get_title() (https://github.com/Automattic/woocommerce-payments/issues/10280)
2024.10.21 - version 5.0
* added: support for WooCommerce Block Cart Page and Block Checkout Page
* added: filter 'wc_add_fees_cart_before_add_total_fee': allows to skip adding our fees depending on cart
* added: filter 'wc_add_fees_rest_api_route_is_block_checkout_route': allows to control routing for REST_API calls in block cart and block checkout page
* added: filter 'wc_add_fees_load_block_checkout_scripts': allows to disable loading our block cart and block checkout scripts even when enabled by WC
* removed: code to support WooCommerce < 2.6.14
2024.08.31 - version 4.2
* fixed: "Trying to access array offset on value of type null for $fee->gateway_option[WC_Add_Fees::OPT_KEY_OUTPUT]" on checkout page for very small values when fee amount = 0
* checked compatibility for WP 6.6 and WooCommerce 9.2.3
* correction below filter "wc_add_fees_wc_fees_calculated_done_check" was "wc_add_fees_wc_calculated_totals_done_check"