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WooCommerce Opayo Payment Suite

WooCommerce Opayo Payment Suite 5.13.1

2024.02.07 - version 5.13.1
* Legacy WooCommerce versions
* Update reporting URLs
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2022.12.16 - version 5.10.0
* WC 7.2
* Opayo Pi - Switch to using IP address from WC order object.
* Opayo Pi - Fix missing 3D Secure statuses.
* Opayo Direct - Complete expired token removal from Opayo
* Opayo Direct - Don't empty cart for failed orders
* Opayo Direct - Support for IPV6!!
* Opayo Direct - Fix change payment method, now authorises the full subscription cost
* Okayo Form - Update string lengths
* Opayo Form - Support for WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage
* Common - Force UTF-8 for XML basket
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Reactions: tatar221