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WooCommerce Lucky Wheel - Spin to win

WooCommerce Lucky Wheel - Spin to win 1.2.8

/**v1.2.8 - 2025.02.13**/
- Updated: Filter _wlwl_email_render_header_site_info
- Fixed: mail APIs: Mailster
/**v1.2.6 - 2024.11.28**/
- Added: Option help you can choose between using the plugin's default background image or replacing it with one of your own
– Updated: Remove the option 'Enable mobile' and add an option 'Small screen'
– Updated: Add 12 preset color palette selections for the wheel slides
– Updated: New design for settings page
- Updated: Compatibility with WC9.4 and WP6.7
- Fixed: Error reported by customer
/**v1.2.5 - 2024.11.02**/
- Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce Email Template Customizer/Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce plugin from VillaTheme
/**v1.2.3 - 2024.08.26**/
- Fixed: Fixed Brevo (SendInBlue) email api
- Updated: Compatibility with WC9.2.2 and WP6.6.1
- Updated: File support
/**v1.1.13 - 2023.10.04**/
- Fixed: Not saving Sendy mail api.
- Update: Multi languages for Sendy list.
- Updated: Compatibility with WC8.1.0 and WP6.3
/**v1.1.11 - 2023.03.08**/
- Updated: Compatibility with WC7.4.0
- Fixed: Google Captcha with shortcode
/**v1.1.9 - 2023.01.06**/
- Updated: Compatibility with WC7.2.0
- Updated: Add mail APIs: Sendy