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WooCommerce EU VAT Number

WooCommerce EU VAT Number 2.9.12

2025-01-06 - version 2.9.12
* Fix - Replaced `{vat_id}` placeholder in WooCommerce Blocks checkout address cards.
2024-11-04 - version 2.9.9
* Fix - Issue with charging VAT when base country is France and buyer's country is Monaco.
* Fix - Ensure that VAT is calculated properly in the admin for virtual orders when tax calculation and VAT validation are based on the shipping address.
2024-09-09 - version 2.9.7
* Add - Disable reports & display a notice when HPOS is enabled & syncing is disabled.
* Fix - Ensure the proper IP country is shown in the EU VAT section of the order screen.
* Fix - Ensure the VAT Number Field Label can be properly translated.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 9.2.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 9.0.
* Dev - Log API errors to improve debugging.
* Dev - Fix QIT E2E tests and add support for a few new test types.
2024-01-29 - version 2.9.0
* Dev - Declare compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks.
* Dev - Declare compatibility with Product Editor.
* Dev - Bump PHP minimum supported version to 7.4.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 8.4.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version to 8.2.
* Fix - Issue with VAT field not pre-filled on the Block Checkout page.
* Fix - Update tax when the country is changed on the Block Checkout page.
* Fix - Issue with placing an order from non-EU countries when VAT is saved in the account.
* Tweak - Bump PHP "tested up to" version 8.3.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2023-08-23 - version 2.8.7
* Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version from 6.2 to 6.3.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version 7.9.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version from 7.2 to 7.7.
* Dev - Bump PHP minimum supported version from 7.2 to 7.3.
* Fix - Error saving VAT numbers using block-based checkouts.
* Fix - PHP 8.1 deprecation notice caused by FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.
* Security - Added nonce and permission check when dismissing tax advice notice.