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WooCommerce E-Mail Attachments (by Inoplugs)

WooCommerce E-Mail Attachments (by Inoplugs) 3.2.1


Add attachments to your WooCommerce emails​

With this plugin you can add any type and any number of attachments to the email correspondence generated by WooCommerce. You also may add additional CC and BCC recipients. To make the recipients aware of the email attachments you can add a notification headline and a notification text at the footer of the email.

Compatible with WPML

WPML is supported since version 3.0. You can translate the notification headline and notification text into all WPML languages and you can select one, more or all languages for each email attachment. Depending on the user-selected language the corresponding attachment(s) and notification texts are used for the emails.

Attachments can be uploaded with the standard WordPress media uploader interface.
They are stored in a separate directory, but will be displayed in the WordPress media library. You can also use them in posts or other parts of your site.
You can use a filter on the media modal/popup window to display only the uploaded attachment files or you can display all existing media files in your gallery.
This filter helps you to use existing media files from your libary or to quickly find the files which you just want to use as your email attachments.
There’s also no need to upload the same files multiple times if they already exist in your media libary.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
  • Version 3.2.1
  • Downloads 8
  • Views 250
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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