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WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI 3.0.1 NULLED

05.12.2024 - ver 3.0.1
- Fixed: The issue of countdown timer
- Fixed: Bogo rule add free product when meets the minimum cart amount
- Fixed: the issue in tier category rule to perform discount on the selected product
- Fixed: Now show the custom offer also for guest users
- Fixed: to show the required plugin to activate in plugins page
- Compatibility: With latest version of WordPress & WooCommerce
- Fixed: Some Other Minor Bugs
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
12.07.2024 - ver 3.0.0
- Added: Either select for parent category or child category discount will be implemented in single category rule or combo category rule
- Added: Admin can set the discount value or make the free product in the BOGO rule
- Added: When enabling the payment rule by admin the discount label with currency will be shown at the selected payment method radio buttons
- Added: Payment method name with discounted value will be shown at order summery when customer select the same payment method by admin
- Added: Compatible with HPOS functionality
- Fixed: Issue in single product rule when selected for multiple products and show banner's
- Fixed: The payment rule refresh the order summery data whenever customer select the payment method
- Fixed: Some Other Minor Bugs
09.11.2023 - ver 2.6.1
- Added : Made compatible with WordPress 6.4.1
- Added : Made compatible with WooCommerce 8.2.2
- Fixed : Product tag rule (regarding discount not applied correctly if fixed/flat type discount ).
. - Fixed : Attribute rule.
- Fixed : Some Other Minor Bugs.
01.05.2023 - ver 2.6.0
- Added : Made compatible with PHP 8.2.
- Added : Made compatible with WordPress 6.2.
- Added : Made compatible with WooCommerce 7.6.
- Added : Option to give discount Based on the Day In Bogo Rule.
- Added : Bogo Tag Rule.
- Fixed : Some Other Minor Bugs.
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Reactions: fyrfyr
02.02.2023 - Version 2.5.0
- Added: Show Offer Message in Least Amount Product Free Rule For Category and Product..
- Fixed: Least Amount Product Free Rule form was not showing selected category when editing Form.
- Fixed: Minor Bugs.
19.11.2022 - Version 2.3.0
- Added: Compatible with Woo-commerce Product Bundles Plugin. - Fixed: Bug In category Rule. ( Regarding Discount not applied correctly on variation products ).
- Fixed: Minor Bugs.
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Reactions: tatar221
Download WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI v2.2.4 NULLED
31.10.2022 - Version 2.2.4

- Added: Show offer message in nth order rule.
- Fixed: Bugs in Tiered Rule (regarding discount not applied correctly on cart).
- Fixed: Minor Bugs.
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Reactions: tatar221
26.09.2022 - Version 2.2.3
- Added: Option in Attribute rule for check minimum and maximum quantity,price and weight.
- Fixed: Bug In Category Rule.
- Fixed: Bug In Category rule related product price on shop page.
- Fixed: Bug In Nth order rule.
- Fixed: Some minor bugs.
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Reactions: tatar221