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WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin

WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin 4.6.7

Bug Fixes & Improvements:​

  • Fixed an issue where the product-based payment reminder email was not triggered correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the product-based payment reminder due date value field was being changed to current date when editing the order in some cases.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:​

  • Fixed an issue where removing deposit data from an order via the admin order editor was not working in certain cases.
  • Added improved checks to prevent unnecessary partial payment emails from being sent when third-party conflicts affect email triggers.

[2025-02-22] - Version 4.6.4​

Bug Fixes & Improvements:​

  • Minor bug fixes related to payment gateways filtering.
24/01/2025 Version 4.5.5
* Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 9.6.0
* Minor bug fix
*** WooCommerce Deposits Changelog ***

09/01/2025 Version 4.5.3
* Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5.0
* Modified API endpoints to apply / remove deposits to an order
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the WooCommerce Mobile App
* Minor bug fix
10/12/2024 Version 4.5.2
* Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 9.4.0
* Added API endpoints to apply / remove deposits to an order
* minor bug fixes
29/09/2023 version 4.1.17

* [fix] fixed a bug with deposit calculation in some cases
* Added HPOS Compatibility
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
19/08/2023 version 4.1.16

* Declared compatibility with Woocommerce 8.0.0
* [fix] fixed a bug with deposit calculation in some cases
* [fix] fixed an incompatiblity issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
31/05/2023 version 4.1.13

* [Tweak] Reduced the timeout for plugin update & purchase code verification API calls
* [dev] added filter 'wc_deposits_order_item_deposit_data' which allows overriding deposit data
* minor bug fix
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Reactions: edgars221289