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WooCommerce Delivery Slots by Iconic

WooCommerce Delivery Slots by Iconic 2.7.0 NULLED

2025-02-19 - version 2.7.0
[update] Licensing.
2024-09-24 - version 2.5.0
[new] Make the delivery date column sortable in the admin orders screen for HPOS
[fix] Bug where orders status would be changed to `on-hold` when order contains delivery slots
[fix] Inconsistent date format showing in orders column
[fix] Shipping method based holidays resulting in inconsistent dates output after AJAX
[fix] Handle error caused by invalid holiday format
2024-04-10 - version 2.1.0
[fix] Fatal error caused by Table Rate Shipping Method compatibility code
[fix] Bug where admin cannot edit timeslot for customer order from the WP Dashboard
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Reactions: MarkDragon
2023-02-22 - version 1.21.0
[new] HPOS Compatiblity
[new] Added `iconic-wds-fields` shortcode and a setting to disable the position of delivery slots fields
[new] Allow admin to cutoff timeslot based on timeslot's end time
[fix] Issue with the reserved slot not carrying to the checkout page in non-english websites
[fix] Fix fatal issue caused by invalid holiday date
[fix] Check for non-existent meta key values when sorting orders by delivery column
[fix] Reduce AJAX calls on date change
[fix] Override settings checkbox not working
[fix] Auto select first date not working when bookable dates are empty on page load
2022-02-22 - version 1.20.0
[fix] Fix typo on Add product category page
[fix] JS error in the console related to VueJS
[update] Add filter for override tax class for delivery slots fee: `iconic_wds_fee_tax_class`
[update] Use maximum lead time when there are multiple products with lead time in the cart
[new] Revamped Admin UI