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WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions

WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions 2.0.0


This extension provides additional coupon functionality in WooCommerce. It allows you to restrict coupons to:
  • New Customers
  • Existing Customers
  • User Roles
  • Specific Countries
  • Specific States or Provinces
  • Specific Zipcodes or Postal Codes

New Customers​

The new customer coupon restriction is perfect for e-commerce sites that have a high lifetime customer value. Providing a discount on the first sale can help bring in new customers, without sacrificing margins for those who already love it.

If a customer is logged in, the extension will verify that they haven’t purchased anything from the site before allowing the coupon to be applied. For customers that aren’t logged in, the coupon verification runs right before checkout once the e-mail address has been entered.

Existing Customers​

There are a number of use cases where you might want to target a coupon code for existing customers:
  • You’ve released a new version of a digital product and want to give customers a discount on the new version.
  • You’ve raised prices on specific products, but want to give existing customers a chance to purchase at the original price.
  • You simply want to reward your existing customer base with a special coupon.
  • Like
Reactions: LuckyOne
  • Version 2.0.0
  • Downloads 27
  • Views 542
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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