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WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Packages

WooCommerce Advanced Shipping Packages 1.1.10

Jeroen Sormani

Split your cart into separate shipping packages. Each package and the products inside will be shown separately in the cart and checkout pages. Each gets its own shipping rates based on your setup.

Using powerful conditional logic setting you can create the packages exactly up to your need when you want, and with the products you want.

The customer will see separate shipping options for each package, according to how the packages are created.

Note that the rest of the products in the cart are in a bundle called ‘Shipping.’ This is a default that cannot be changed.

Example use cases for shipping packages​

Below are some example use cases on how shiping packages can be used within WooCommerce.

Ship certain products for free (partial free shipping)​

If you want to ship only certain products for free you can use a split cart to make it easier for the shipping method you’re using to get the right shipping for each package.
For the customer it will also become much clearer which products ship for free and which are paid shipping.

Ship freight items separately​

Big and heavy items sometimes simply can’t be shipped through the regular route. With a split package you can give the customer the option for freight shipping + regular shipping products if needed.

Give separate options for pickup-only products​

Some items can’t be shipped and needs to be picked up. If the customer also has shippable products in the cart (s)he will have the option to pickup all products, or have the shippable products shipped anyways.

Ship items from different origins​

If an order is being shipped from multiple locations, it will inevitably have double shipping costs for you. Splitting the cart allows you to charge your customer for the products that are shipped separately.
  • Version 1.1.10
  • Downloads 34
  • Views 563
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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