• The default language of any content posted is English.
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v1.8.5 - 27 August 2024
- Fixed: Widget PHP error when using Heavy Cache Systems.
- Improved: If LazyLoad is disabled, this will also apply to Author/Comments Avatars.
- Improved: Overall mobile space for comments area (now there is more space for comments text).
- Improved: Speed Optimization, now Custom Avatars dimensions can't be greater than 150px, this will improve rendering time and CLS.
- Improved: Speed Optimization, now Header Logo always will render an optimized version on Mobile device, this will improve LCP.
- Improved: Speed Optimization, Header Logo attributes and dimensions on mobile devices, this will greatly improve CLS.
- Improved: Theme Wizard image load method.
- Improved: SEO titles for Articles List.
- Added: Now Grid Sidebar module supports "Title".
v1.8.0 - 13 March 2024
- Fixed: Close button for header notice do not appear.
- Fixed: Multiple alignments for RTL version.
- Fixed: Minor jQuery warning.
- Fixed: Lazy Load script not found when Optimization is "OFF".
- Improved: Now Subscribe widget allow to upload media images.
- Improved: How Wavy Functions is being loaded.
- Improved: Now back to top appear after scrolling some content (on mobile devices).
- Added: Views Counter.
- Added: New Tagline option for Classic header on Theme options -> header.
- Added: Breadcrumbs, compatibility with Yoast, Rank Math and Navxt plugins.
- Added: Unlimited Social Profiles to individual authors.