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Voice Search | Voice Recognition System

PrestaShop Voice Search | Voice Recognition System 4.0.3


Offer your customers the functionality of voice search to use on the store. Let them search products, fill in the address & personal details using voice commands & thus enhance the overall shopping experience.

Voice Search module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x and multi-store feature.

Voice search is very beneficial as it helps you to provide a fast & seamless searching experience to your customers.

Makes the process faster

Customers no longer need to enter search text every time as they can easily use the voice commands to search for their desired product.

Using the voice commands, customers will be entering search texts in the search box & the search box will automatically display the results in the dropdown.

The search text that automatically gets filled into the search box is based on the analysis of the voice commands given by the user.

It kind of works like to voice to text input.

Displays relevant results & enhances the shopping experience

The results in the dropdown of the search box are displayed based on the search text entered using voice commands.

And, the dropdown displays the most relevant search results based on the search text. This helps customers to find the products as fast as possible.

The ability to quickly glance through the most relevant results help customers to decide about their product purchase quickly & thus enhances the shopping experience.

Helps to fill text fields at other places too!

The voice search module not only facilitates search via voice commands but also helps to fill in the customer details using voice commands.

The customers can make use of voice command functionality to fill in their address details & personal details too.

This will help them to make new changes to their details very quickly. Say, if they want to add/update any information, it’ll be done very quickly.
  • Version 4.0.3
  • Downloads 15
  • Views 192
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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