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VikRestaurants 1.9.1 release​

New Features​

  • The Kitchen widget now also supports food preparation for the take-away section.
  • The Kitchen section in the Operators Area now displays 2 different widgets, one for the restaurant and one for the take-away.
  • It is now possible to specify the service order for the dishes to prepare (such as First Course, Second Course, Third Course).
  • Introduced a new setting to choose the layout of the take-away menus (grid or list).


  • It is now possible to choose the time unit (days or hours) for the cancellation restrictions.
  • Various API plugin improvements.

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed a critical error that could occur in case the table booking process required the selection of the menus.
  • Fixed an issue that was not able to properly use the discount applied by a service.
  • The system is now able to properly use the "Auto-delete after usage" setting of the coupon codes.
  • Fixed an issue that was not properly updating the number of usages while redeeming a coupon code.
  • Fixed an issue that could display the summary of the custom fields with weird labels and values.
  • The dates displayed under the rooms closures page are now properly aligned to the site timezone.
  • The closing days with weekly recurrence now show the correct name of the related week day.
  • Protected some back-end tasks from XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed a few PHP warnings.