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Vidaxl Dropshipping

PrestaShop Vidaxl Dropshipping 2.0.1


Dropshipping Vidaxl Module helps you to import Vidaxl products from your selected category into your store in bulk.

This Vidaxl Dropshipping provides several features like:

Bulk Import Product: With the help of Vidaxl API merchants can import any number of products from Vidaxl into our system and earn a higher commission.

Category Mapping: From this module, merchants can choose the Vidaxl category and map with the Prestashop category if they don't need to create a new category and import products in bulk one at a time.

Centralized Order Management: Easy management of Vidaxl orders into your store.

Crons: Automate jobs for product creation, product image, and order sync and runs at every specific time.
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Reactions: abuji
  • Version 2.0.1
  • Downloads 44
  • Views 783
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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