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VidaXL Dropshipper

PrestaShop VidaXL Dropshipper 1.1.9

Full Stack Mind

This module lets you import products from VidalXL, selecting only the categories you are interested in and choosing a margin to add to any category, and send orders automatically to VidaXL.

Dropshipping made easy. Import VidaXL products in your store quickly, with the product info sheet, the images and the categories that you can map with the ones already present in your store.

Choose only the VidaXL categories you want to import the products from and map them to the categories of your store. If you don't want to map the categories with the ones in your store, the module can generate the same categories hierarchy as VidaXL.

Choose the product features you want to import and you can also map them to your store features.

Choose, for each category, the margin to add to the B2B base price defined by VidaXL.

After importing products, you can set 2 cronjobs for synchronizing the quantity and price of products regularly.

When a customer makes an order on your store, if there are VidaXL products in it, they will be sent to VidaXL automatically and you will find them in VidaXL account. You will be able to check the status of each order from your store admin panel as well.
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Reactions: abuji and tatar221
  • Version 1.1.9
  • Downloads 25
  • Views 588
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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