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Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale and Invoicing system

Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale and Invoicing system 6.5 NULLED

V 5.22 –Released on August 28, 2023​

  1. FIX: Fixed 500 error in /pos screen

V 5.21 –Released on August 24, 2023​

  1. IMPROVEMENT: Delivery person added in POS add/edit screen in shipping modal
  2. IMPROVEMENT: Delivery person added in Add/Edit sales screen near shipping fields.
  3. FIX: UltimatePOS update issue happening in some servers fixed.

V 5.1 – Released on June 6, 2023​

  1. NEW: Added 20 custom fields for products along with type selectors like text, date picker & dropdown.
  2. NEW: Selling price group type can be either Fixed Or Percentage.
  3. NEW: Updating product prices from Excel sheet.
  4. FIX: Woocommerce-related issue from POS.

V 5.0.2 – Released on Mar 9, 2023​

  1. FIX: “There is no active transaction” issue during Install/update fixed.

V 5 – Released on Mar 2, 2023​

Pre-Conditions to use version 5​

  • You will need PHP 8.1 or above.
  • All the modules should be updated to the latest for this version to work

NOTE 1: The latest version is tested before release. But we recommend you have a backup of old files/folders for restoration if any issues occur in your environment.​

NOTE 2: Update all modules that you’re using to the latest.​

V4.8 – Released on Nov 18, 2022​

  1. NEW: Ledger format 3 added with much more details
  2. NEW: Service Staff status modal added in pos screen
  3. NEW: Delivery slip print option in List sales.
  4. Improvement: Removed quantity check for Drafts & Quotations invoices
  5. Improvement: Option to display the description in the invoice (Enable from Invoice layout -> Add/Edit -> Product description)
  6. Improvement: Displayed email in view sales
  7. Improvement: Delete font size increased
  8. Improvement: Displayed SKU in add/edit/view stock transfer
  9. Improvement: Total purchase return paid and total sell payment paid displayed on dashboard
  10. Improvement: Custom Views added to backup
  11. Fix: Subtotal issue on invoice fixed
  12. Fix: Cash denomination error on add/edit sale/purchase fixed
  13. Fix: Ledger last financial year due and current financial year opening balance mismatch issue fixed
  14. Fix: Delete category permission issue fix