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Tripetto Pro - The fullblown WordPress form builder plugin

Tripetto Pro - The fullblown WordPress form builder plugin 8.0.10 NULLED

VERSION 8.0.10 (05-03-2025)
🐛 Fixed a security issue in the results list
VERSION 8.0.9 (30-01-2025)
⚡ Automatic generation of an index file in the upload folder of Tripetto to prevent directory listing on servers that have enabled directory listing
VERSION 8.0.8 (27-01-2025)
⚡ Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.71
🐛 Fixed a security issue in the upload block
**VERSION 8.0.5 (05-11-2024)**
⚡ Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.7
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
**VERSION 7.0.1 (05-07-2023)**
✔️ Added a ranking block (see https://tripetto.com/blog/product-update-the-often-requested-ranking-block/)
⚡ Add file name as querystring parameter to file upload URLs (allows to extract the original file name of an upload)
⚡ Improved protection for data values that are automatically generated (these values can no longer be changed with, for example, a setter block)
**VERSION 6.0.2 (30-05-2023)**
🐛 Fixed a bug where file uploads could not be downloaded
🐛 Fixed a bug in the mailer block