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Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce

Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce 7.1.0

2025-01-07 - version 7.1.0
* New: Priority options for global pricing rules.
* New: Additional template for the totals on the product page.
* Update: Redesign global pricing rules form.
* Update: Minimum required characters to find products and categories in the global pricing rules set to 1.
* Enhance: Speed optimization.
* Enhance: Additional tips over the plugin.
2024-09-27 - version 7.0.2
* Update: Minor enhancements.
2024-09-11 - version 7.0.0
* New: Show tiered pricing block in the product catalog.
* New: Compatibility with the new WooCommerce react-based product editor.
* New: New API for the tiered pricing fields.
* New: Integration with Addify Request a Quote plugin.
* Update: Frontend script updated.
* Update: New hooks.
* Update: Removed legacy hooks support.
* Update: WooCommerce & WordPress compatibility.
* Update: Other minor enhancements.
* Fix: Allow minimum quantity to be set to null.
* Fix: Plaintext template variables issue.
* Fix: Custom columns: total column always shows the price with taxes.
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
2024-02-08 - version 6.3.0
* New: Wombat product addons integration.
* Fix: Return "default" template option in the product settings.
* Fix: Return activation message.
* Fix: CSS fixes.
* Enhance: Add regular price, sale price, discount and pricing type fields to the WP All Import role base import options.
* Enhance: Allow quantity to be 0 on the cart.
2023-11-20 - version 6.0.3
* Fix: Do not remove "step" attribute from qty field when variation is reset - some there use it to make +\- buttons work.
* Update: Increase performance by do not check each child of variable product for tiered pricing on product page load.
* Update: Remove "product has no rules" checkbox from variable product advanced settings.
* Fix: Issue when global pricing rules didn't save tiered pricing applying type. (mix&match or individual)
2023-05-23 - version 5.3.0
* New: Support for HPOS
* Fix: Minimum order quantity issue for user roles
* Fix: Rounding price hook
2023-02-25 - version 5.0.3
* Fix: Saving variations tiered pricing rules with comma as decimal separator
* New: Minimum quantity validation translatable string
* New: Show parent category name when selecting category
2023-01-30 - version 5.0.1
* New: Legacy hooks
* Fix: Displaying tooltip
* Fix: Pricing on products without tiered pricing rules
* Fix: Bundles integration