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Thrive Themes Leads

Thrive Themes Leads 10.2.2 NULLED

Thrive Themes

Thrive Leads NULLED is a lead generation plugin for WordPress, oriented on marketing. That sentence is not wrong, but it barely scratches the surface of what this plugin is about. First and foremost, Thrive Leads is the list building solution that's created by a team of people who are obsessed with conversion optimization.

Using Thrive Leads is like having your very own list-building and conversion expert - baked right into a powerful piece of software.

This is not your old-school list building plugin. Builder from Thrive Themes developers taken the most cutting edge conversion tactics used by smart businesses and growth hackers and for the first time ever, those tactics are easy as pie for you to use on your own site. You can finally experience explosive list growth and the amazing marketing advantages that come with it. Here are main benefits:

Design & Deploy. Thrive Leads combines every type of opt-in form you need in one single plugin and gives you a simple drag-and-drop editor to create the perfect design every time.

Advanced Targeting. Get a massive conversion boost by showing relevant, highly targeted offers to your visitors based on posts, categories, tags and more. Build hyper-targeted and profitable lists.

A/B Testing Engine. Thrive Leads comes with a highly advanced but very easy to use A/B testing feature. Easily increase your conversions and use the plugin to automatically increase your conversion rate.

Actionable Reporting & Insights. Thrive Leads gives you a simple overview over the most important metrics. See exactly how your opt-in forms are performing over time and where your most valuable traffic comes from.

SmartLinks. Are you wasting precious space on your site and annoying your existing subscribers with opt-in popups? SmartLinks is the solution!

SmartExit. Want to catch your visitors before they abandon your site? You've heard of Exit Intent... we've taken it to a whole other level with SmartExit and SmartExit+.

Animations. Choose from different, eye-catching entry animations for your forms, animate individual form elements and even A/B test different animations!

Trigger Options. Choose exactly when and how your opt-in forms appear with time-based or interaction-based triggers. A/B test different triggers to increase conversions.

Use Thrive Leads Forms to Cover All the Bases
  • Easily customize your designs (and create your own) with a drag & drop editor.
  • Everything you create in Thrive Leads is fully mobile responsive and looks great on any device.
  • Advanced lead generation forms supported: multiple fields, checkboxes, radio buttons & drop-downs.
  • 100% clean & fast code. Tested and compatible with all browsers.
10.2.2 NULLEDVersion
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  1. Thrive Themes Leads 10.2.2 NULLED

  2. Thrive Themes Leads v3.15 NULLED

    Improvements Thrive Dashboard – Add Email Data for Automator Woo triggers

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