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WP Tasty

Tasty Roundups NULLED - The Easiest way to Create Roundup Posts!​

Quickly curate your content into beautiful roundups that rank in search results.

Lightweight Functionality​

Tasty Roundups has everything you need and nothing you don't. Our WordPress list plugin is optimized for site speed, so you get all the powerful benefits without the feature bloat that would otherwise slow your site down.

Rock Solid SEO​

Tasty Roundups aren't just for looks. With JSON-LD structured data that provides an in-depth view of your content collections to search engines, your roundups are more likely to show up in search results.

Flexible Formatting​

Not everyone writes their content collections in the same way. We make it easy for you to format and organize your collections so they work for your site. With Tasty Roundups you can style your roundup lists to suit your site in just a few clicks — no need to mess about with complicated code!

Unmatched Performance & Customer Support​

There is no jumping through hoops to talk to a real person to get the support you need — all Tasty Roundups users receive personalized, unlimited customer service from Day 1.

Introducing the WordPress list plugin to easily organize, curate, and share your top content​

Save time​

Create new content without having to develop, test and photograph new recipes, or come up with fresh post ideas — jump off that content treadmill!
Built-in search functionality automatically pulls post images, titles, descriptions and links into your roundup lists — no more manual copy and pasting!

Delight your readers​

Create beautiful roundup lists of the best content from your archives that your readers will love — with consistent formatting, simple design, and clear links to source posts for a seamless user experience.

Get found in search​

Set your content collections apart by competitively showing up on search engines — drawing in a whole new audience and converting them to loyal blog readers.
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2.0.2 NULLEDVersion
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