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Tasty Recipes

Tasty Recipes 3.14.3 NULLED

= 3.14.3 =
* Fix: Bug with auto drafts when assets are loaded
* Fix: Added height and width to the SVG HTML element for rating stars
= 3.14.2 =
* A bug in the plugin update process
= 3.12.2 =
* Enhancement: Turn off anonymous ratings by default.
* Fix: Comment now shows in comment field when updating a rating/comment.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 3.12 =
* New: One-click ratings to improve leaving ratings directly from the recipe card.
* New: Administrators can now update star ratings in the backend.
* New: Remove keywords from recipe card frontend and keep it only in recipe schema.
* Enhancement: Star ratings now have better styling and improved interactions on hover and click/tap.
* Fix: Some ratings didn't work properly if comments were disabled.
* Fix: Rating star spacing was wrong in some cases due to CSS minification.
* Fix: In some themes using blocks, ratings didn't show properly in the comments section.
* 3rd party compatibility: Fix Console error when activating the HTML minification feature in SiteGround plugin.
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Reactions: MarkDragon