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Super Backup & Clone - Migrate for WordPress.jpg

We’re extremely proud to announce that WP SuperBackup allows you to do just that!

Working on your site is always a lengthy and cumbersome process, and it would be a pity for all your hard work to go to waste because of a misconfiguration or error that’s perhaps not even your fault!

Having a trustworthy backup solution in place can help you prevent that. This is where our plugin comes into play.
  • Intuitive Dashboard – Get a quick overview of existing backup instances
  • Cloud Sync – Working with a staging & a production server? We got you covered! WP SuperBackup allows you to easily sync across all files, or just the ones you really need between the servers, in just a few minutes. This all happens automatically based on a schedule you define!
  • Set up “Snapshots” – You can have one, or any number of backup instances
  • Snapshot Logs – Easily track all backup tasks and always know what the current status of your latest backup is
  • Instance Migration – If you’ve stored a backup on your trust hard disk drive, this feature allows you to easily import it and migrate it onto your current WordPress installation! You have full control over what files get migrated, so you can make sure they don’t break the installation, once migration is complete.
  • One Click Restore – Pick any snapshot, click Restore, Done!
  • Cloud Snapshots – If you want to be extra safe, the plugin allows you to upload your backups to the cloud, you know, just in case your server burns altogether!
  • Backup DestinationsWP SuperBackup supports a plethora of cloud services, including but not limited to your own (s)FTP accounts, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon, OneDrive, Copy.com, RackSpace etc
  • Easy setup – A quick visit to the “General Settings” tab enables you to set up email notifications, define a quota, the backup directory (on the same server) or simply clean up existing backup files
  • Self-diagnosis – The “System” panel allows you to run a live check on your server settings and immediately flags any potential issues, so that you can address them before you even begin backing up!
  • Great Support – Need help or have a question? Fear not! We’ve built in the documentation so you have it, right there, within the WP SuperBackup dashboard, together with a direct link to contact us via our Support system.
  • MultiSite to MultiSite – The SuperBackup system allows you to run a straight Cloud migration from one MultiSite to another without any worries
  • MultiSite to SingleSite – If you running into a MultiSite Platform, the system will detect that and you have the chance to have a SingleSite Snapshot ready to be Migrated to any regular WP Site or into another SingleSite available on other MultiSite Platform
  • SingleSite to MultiSite – a simple SnapShot from a Standard WP Site can be Migrated into a select SingleSite available on your Multisite Platform. So, you can move all your standalone WP websites to a single WP MultiSite.
  • Version 2.4
  • Downloads 31
  • Views 294
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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