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Striking - MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme

Striking - MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme 2.4.2

STRIKING MULTIFLEX UPDATE - VER 2.4.2 - 23 December 2024

We are pleased to release a Striking MultiFlex update Ver 2.4.2. It is approved by Envato and has been released via our update API so notifications to update will start appearing in your WP dashboard if you have theme update notifications enabled in the theme Advanced Settings.

Ver 2.4.2 is a important release as it contains plugin updates and theme theme tweaks for improved security, & bug fixes. Striking is compatible with the newest WP 6.7+ beta, Woo 9.6.0+, php 8.3+ and latest WPML updates.

We are pleased to release our 59th update of Striking MultiFlex.
This version of Striking MultiFlex is compatible with WordPress 6.5+ and in addition is full compatibility with all supported PHP Versions including the new PHP 8.3+, PHP 8.0+, PHP 7.4 series, PHP 7.3, and older series. Although all our themes are compatible with older php versions be advise PHP 7 series and and php 5.6 series are all deprecated and no longer supported by PHP.

We are php 8.2 and php 8.3 compatible but be aware that WordPress or many plugins are not yet compatible with these versions, so we recommend you stick with max php 8.1 at this time.

This release undertakes maintenance (plugin updates, misc improvements and bug swatting) Please check the changelog below for more details.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
Update list for Striking MultiFlex 2.3.0
Date: 9 February 2024

Note: Clearing theme cache folder is required as well as ctrl+f5 on page load to load the new customcombine.js
Note: Theme Advanced Child has Changed !

Updated: jQuery.ImagesLoaded.js v 5.0.0
Updated: Slider revolution to version 6.6.20
Updated: Striking Extension plugin to version 2.2.11 date 17-01-2024
Updated: Woocommerce Spinners Js
Updated: Backstretch Slider js cript to version 2.1.8
Updated: Theme Sticky Footer js file.
Updated: WP-PageNavi Plugin to version 2.94.1
Updated: Host google webfonts locally. wptt/font-loader to version 1.3

Added: Easy Image Shortcode.
Added: Instagram, Whatsapp & X-Icon to social widgets.
Added: Fontawesome 6 Free Icons
Added: Custom icons Ability.
Added: Added back in the Flickr Feed Widget & shortcode with support for theme lightbox popup.
Added: Turn ON/OFF Theme Lightbox in the Page Design Options - so one can control the theme lightbox function per webpage.
Added: Setting in the Theme Advanced settings to turn on SVG image support in Wordpress.
Added: WPInfo shortcode to see what beta version wordpress is running on.

- Extra security check to control ajax call to the image resize script.
- Filter for removing useless custom posttypes in the essential grid source selector.
- Support for upload_source_url without having to use the upload image selector in shortcode generator.
- Added GMap API Key support for Gmap iframe widget & shortcode.
- Return original image when theme images resizer can not resize the image. This enables support for different images types like svg in the shortcodes.
- Added a setting for classes and id's for the sticky footer js script to support templates that do not use the theme #page wrapper.
- Suppress TGM Plugin Installer nag message on various admin screens.
- Added a color settings on serverinfo shortcode. Necessary from php 8.3 and above.
- Added a new icon selector.
- Updated the Backstretch shortcode and Background settings. New abilities added.
- Updated the Admin Language file.
- Added various esc_attr() to parsed variables.
- Added check if index $wp_filter['the_content'] exists to avoid error entry in error log.
- Adjusted theme CSS to support gravity forms.
- Changed theme .icon class name to .theme-icon class name in order to avoid issues with plugins that use the .icon class names for their embedded icons.
- Changed icons for blog meta to be called from the themeicons.
- Moved themeicons into their own css file.
- Added language support for ON/OFF Theme Toggle Switch & Default ON /OFF Text in switch paramters.
- Changed lightbox trigger Rel="productLightbox" for Woo Single Product product image and thumbnails to avoid conflicts with other lightbox plugins.

Fixed: FotoRama JS Jquery deprecated messages.
Fixed: Sidebar disappearing on none static home page when static blog page has been set in the wp reading settings.
Fixed: Revert to nivo slider when a deprecated slider is set on none static homepage. Fatal error.
Fixed: Missing Gallery setting in background slider.
Fixed: Various Jquery bind deprecated messages.
Fixed: Woocommerce support for "Limit purchases to 1 item per order".
Fixed: Division by zero error in sliders.
Fixed: PHP 8.2 deprecation notifications.
Fixed: Testimonials Slider with only one testimonial autostart will be default to false.
Fixed: Php Warnings in error log during import of demo content.