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Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks

Stackable Premium – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks 3.13.13 NULLED

= 3.13.13 =
* New: Icon Library (Premium feature) - you can now upload custom SVGs and re-use them for the Icon Block! #361 #3317
* Fixed: Text block: typing in the inspector will no longer escape html entities #3399
* Fixed: Typing in the middle of an option in the inspector will no longer move the cursor to the end #3396
* Fixed: Updated Freemius SDK to v2.11.0
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.13.12 =
* Fixed: Pasting text creates a new block instead of pasting on the current block #3371
* Fixed: Pasting on icon list block makes a new block and loses cursor placement #3382
* Fixed: Blocks inside a WooCommerce shop page can show css styles #3381
* Fixed: Clearing the icon from the icon picker can make the icon blank #3348
* Fixed: Sanitize titles for lightbox #3390
* Fixed: Enhanced text sanitazion #3391
= 3.13.9 =
* Fixed: Text blocks: text gradient color doesn't show for misspelled words #3305
* Fixed: Button block: adding a button block now places the cursor inside the button ##3324
* Fixed: Conditional display: inspector options do not re-render when changing values #3342
* Fixed: Optimized CSS: mobile styles can overwrite tablet styles sometimes (to fix, please re-save the page) #3345
= 3.13.7 =
* Fixed: Stylesheets can sometimes not load in the frontend
* Fixed: SVG error when using custom SVGs with a use tag #3323
* Fixed: Carousel block: column alignment stops working for nested columns #3327
* Fixed: Global colors: color not copied over when pasting in another site #3329
* Fixed: Only do kses fixes when the user can edit posts
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.13.4 =
* Fixed: Improved WordPress 6.6 compatibility and performance #357 #3258
* Fixed: Text block performance #3271
* Fixed: Carousel Block: Aria role errors when using infinite scrolling #3269
* Fixed: Media query shortcuts not working in Custom CSS #3214
* Fixed: Posts Block: Date now follows current website language setting #3241
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 3.13.1 =
* Fixed: (Hotfix update): Style codes can show on some instances
* Fixed: Copy and paste styles now work correctly #350
= 3.12.11 =
* New: You can now use YouTube shorts and unlisted Vimeo videos in the Video Popup block
* Fixed: Ordered Icon List block numerals no longer wrap to the next line
* Fixed: Native list block behaviors no longer create Stackable Icon List Item blocks
* Fixed: Clicking WooCommerce add to cart button no longer changes the Tabs block to the first tab
* Fixed: No longer need to have v2 compatibility enabled for the random order option to work in the Posts block
* Fixed: Carousel block default icon color can now be changed correctly
* Fixed: Pasting a bullet list no longer converts it to a Stackable Icon List block
* Fixed: Frontend scripts now will not initialize more than once
* Fixed: Updated .pot file to allow manual JS strings translations
= 3.11.5 =
* Fixed: Fixed styles not loading the the Getting Started page in Firefox #2901
* Fixed: Remote URLs in lightbox gallery now work correctly #2864
* Fixed: PHP warning in PHP 8.2 #2897
* Fixed: Possible PHP warning in admin from Freemius SDK
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
= 3.10.2 =
* New: Compatibility with WordPress 6.3
* New: Updated all blocks to use the new Block API Version 3 - now all Stackable blocks can be iframed in the editor. [Learn about the benefits of an iframed editor](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2021/06/29/blocks-in-an-iframed-template-editor/)
* New: Improved editor loading performance #2797
* New: Support for the Navite Group block flexbox options when nesting Stackable blocks #2773 #2774
* Change: The Navigation Panel is now disabled by default #2789
* Fixed: When duplicating or transforming blocks, sometimes changes get applied to multiple blocks ##2749
* Fixed: Added Safari <= 15.3 and Firefox support for some flexbox options #2784
* Fixed: Link picker UI issue where the reset button overlapped #2761
* Fixed: WooCommerce compatibility where the Stackable settings button was not showing up #2793
* Fixed: Inspector panels did not auto-collapse in the Site Editor #2759
* Fixed: Resolved a few console warnings #2787 #2788