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Speed Cache

Speed Cache 3.1.5


Speed Cache is a natural improvement of the Joomla cache system with a powerful static page caching, compatible with user sessions, a full browser cache system, a image compression and progressive loading, an URL inclusion cache control and resources group & minify. Some handy tools are also part of the extension like the cache activation for logged in/logout users and an automatic cache cleaner on specified actions.

Extension ready for Joomla 4!

This extension has a package compatible with Joomla 4 and Joomla 3. It has been fully tested with the new and latest Joomla 4 stable version, stay updated!

Speed Cache for Joomla is coming over the Joomla default cache system with a new cache layer, by sending more static content (HTML) therefore reducing the number of database queries. Plus, you have the possibility to store the major part of the heavy page resources (like images) in the browser cache. And you can clean it when you want!
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Latest updates

  1. Speed Cache v3.1.5

    Version 3.1.5 Add Joomla 5 support
  2. Speed Cache v3.1.3

    Version 3.1.3 Fix Browser cache issue on macOS Fix Clear cache when saving article with JoomSef...
  3. Speed Cache v3.1.2 Joomla

    Version 3.1.2 Fix Browser cache issue on iOS Fix Share translation file error on J4

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